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David Ho

To be honest, this seems worse than having the road blocked by #climate #activists for a few minutes.

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@davidho … but that's what happens to /other people/, not the SUV driver inconvenienced by a climate activist

James Nisbet :mastodon:

@davidho imprison that storm cloud for 15 months immediately!

grob 🇺🇦

@davidho radical river glues itself to road in protest, local commuters furious

Kuma Chan 🧸
@davidho don't worry so much this is just the planet resetting.
I choose to be anonymous cowar


yes, that is true
however, I think it is fair to say that if you were on your way to the hospital with a very sick child and you got held up in a climate activist traffic jam, you might not be to happy

David Ho

@Hello57 that’s fair. In general, we need to get people out of cars and on foot, bikes, scooters, or in public transportation.


@davidho @Hello57 I agree. But carrying on with the hypothetical of getting a very sick child medical attention as quickly as possible, which of these would you choose?


@paprikapink @davidho @Hello57

For a sick child, you'd choose the ambulance. And it would get you to hospital fast, at least if everyone else were on foot, bikes, scooters or PT. Instead of, you know, cars.

Yannick Rochat

@paprikapink @davidho @Hello57 If people were getting out of cars, then the day you need to bring your sick kid to a hospital you won't be stuck in a traffic jam.


True dat.
Also true: the sick child on the way to hospital can drown torrential rain or the carrying vehicle be smashed at a pylon by a strong-er storm or she may be be sick due to a global famine from simultaneous crop failures.
Those threats get worse until we're at CO2 zero.
And if we don't get to zero quick enough, the getting-worse might not even stop after CO2 zero.

Also true: previously healthy children already die due to climate change.

@paprikapink @davidho @Hello57

True dat.
Also true: the sick child on the way to hospital can drown torrential rain or the carrying vehicle be smashed at a pylon by a strong-er storm or she may be be sick due to a global famine from simultaneous crop failures.
Those threats get worse until we're at CO2 zero.
And if we don't get to zero quick enough, the getting-worse might not even stop after CO2 zero.


@anlomedad_real @yrochat @davidho @Hello57 What I feel is missing from discussions of how we get past a car-based life is the actual day-to-day life of a working parent needing to transport their kids, groceries, etc, in all kinds of weather and under all kinds of circumstances. When we CENTER this scenario and don't pretend that it's some atypical corner-case THEN we'll be on track to create real solutions that work for everyone

I choose to be anonymous cowar

@paprikapink @anlomedad_real @yrochat @davidho

YES !!
IMO, and this may earn me a lot of blocks, the bicycling community on twitter (and, I think, on mastodon) is incredibly arrogant and insensitive; they seem to think that everyone is willing and able to ride 5 miles ow with their kids in the rain


The culture change is inevitable.
Those with lifestyles currently dependent on cars (or planes, even!) need to have a good think on how to change that lifestyle. And they need to stop immediately with the immature "But my lifestyle...!"
Their choices in life brought them and us here. So I tell them: grow up already and change your life to fit into planetary boundaries!

Kids ARE dying already bc car-addicts have caused and still worsen climate change!
@paprikapink @yrochat @davidho

The culture change is inevitable.
Those with lifestyles currently dependent on cars (or planes, even!) need to have a good think on how to change that lifestyle. And they need to stop immediately with the immature "But my lifestyle...!"
Their choices in life brought them and us here. So I tell them: grow up already and change your life to fit into planetary boundaries!


@anlomedad_real @Hello57 @yrochat @davidho Being a parent is a lifestyle? How about being a caregiver? poor? old? disabled? I'm not sure what point you're intending to make but it sure sounds like "if you can't keep up fuck you"


@paprikapink @anlomedad_real @Hello57 @yrochat @davidho

It takes a lot more will to be a pedestrian. This is a systemic problem creating generations who've been boxed in by a system that forces them to drive. I'm disappointed that more people do not fight it; but admit it's a problem to expect everyone to be in a position to fight.

Ie. Stop forcing people to drive with bad infrastructural investments.

Dale Phelan

@Hello57 @davidho

If it helps, there's no phrase that will clear a climate blockade quicker than the words 'blue lights!'

I've watched a blocked bridge clear and reset six times for various ambulances over the course of the day.

The activists really are humanitarians, despite the media portrayal.

Burak's Beige Boxes

@Dale_Phe @Hello57 Blue lights on an ambulance is different than you taking your child to the hospital in your car, may it be emergency or not. You don't have blue lights and they won't clear for you.
We had roads before internal combustion engines were available, we will need them after they are phased out. Individual transportation is a necessity.
The activits also jam the road for people that do care and run their electric car on solar power. no exceptions.

Dale Phelan

@buraksbeigeboxes @Hello57
Then you're misinterpreting the actions entirely, it isn't a protest against cars.

The point of civil disobedience is to disrupt daily life on behalf of a given issue. Disruption escalates the issue from the back of the public's mind to the forefront and pressures policy makers to act.

In this case, temporary, climate oriented disruptions now are designed to avoid more cataclysmic disruptions in the future. The sooner we act, the less it'll hurt.

@buraksbeigeboxes @Hello57
Then you're misinterpreting the actions entirely, it isn't a protest against cars.

The point of civil disobedience is to disrupt daily life on behalf of a given issue. Disruption escalates the issue from the back of the public's mind to the forefront and pressures policy makers to act.


@Hello57 @davidho Why not just block half the road. That would slow traffic down a lot, but it would keep some of it moving and available for emergency services.

Shanti's Hellbound Heart

@DarryB @Hello57 @davidho because the car drivers would just clog up that side. Sure they treat bus lanes and hard shoulders like turning lanes, park over the ramps put there for disabled people to use the footpaths, not to mention parking on the damn footpath.

Obviously not all, but unfortunately, too many.

Arriviste houso

@Hello57 Depends, is the kid sick from encephalitis due to extreme rainfall & warming increasing disease spread? maybe heat stroke due to fifth heat wave in a year?


@Hello57 @davidho every demonstration that I've ever been at (and there have been quite a few over many years) has taken that into account and is prepared to let cars through when it's an emergency

Aehnne t'Khaell

@Hello57 @davidho Literally 'Think of the Children'.

Gonna be an awful lot of dead kids once crops fail, food supplies diminish, land area shrinks leading to mass-scale population displacement, and conflict over resources and land spirals into a civilisation-ending strategic exchange.

Just remember: we could have chosen a different route. But we wanted fossil fuel profit, personal convenience and our precious SUVs. Oh, and to hit out at the 'woke lefties', of course.

Chtixof :verified:

@Hello57 @davidho
Going this way, all protestations are hypothetical children killers and should be forbidden 🤔

Ross B from the oaty sea

@davidho Exactly. Getting your nickers in a knot because a protestor inconveniences someone doesn't understand that it would be a poor protest demonstration that didn't inconvenience anyone.

Dirty Hippie

@davidho Sorry to divert the conversation, but I'm curious as to where this flooding happened. Thanks.


@davidho That's a false dichotomy. And protests that create public safety hazards aren't likely to generate sympathy or support. Protest, yes, but roadways need to be passable.


@materhyu @davidho
Ah, okay, I may have been unclear. My opinion isn't based on that specific incident, nor to climate change protests in particular, but to protests in general. Here in the US, protests can get out of hand at times (read that as violent) and when roads are blocked ambulances or other drivers who accidentally happen upon the protest have been threatened and/or had their vehicles vandalized. As a woman, I'm quite sensitive to safety in public places, so that's my bias.

Pompeo Santoro

@davidho this is worse, this is terrible, which does not make blocking roads good.
Progress is made by bringing people to think and act in an environmentally conscious way. I very much doubt that being stuck in a blocked road will convince anyone, on the contrary. Let alone if someone dies in an ambulance in a roadblock.

the vibes man

@davidho can’t fund more cops to beat up the water


@davidho PLEASE block the roads, the governments aren't listening... fossil fuel execs are not listening... the media are not listening. Chaos of extreme weather, food shortage and social breakdown are just too close for us to be so comfortable about it. @juststopoil @extinctionrebellion

Extinction Rebellion Polska

@davidho Fossil fuel activists blocking the road again, disrupting the lives of normal people who just need to go to work.

Elsje de Ruijter

@davidho De laatste nog levende mens op aarde filmt gevolgen klimaatverandering.

David S

@davidho love the optimism of whoever is in the car with the wipers going


@davidho for the person with the hypothetical child in an ambulance annoyed by the road blocking climate protest - what exactly is your plan here?

Starry Starry Knight

@davidho But if the hypothetical kid and her future carbon footprint don't make it, it's kinda a hypothetical win for the planet, hypothetically...


@davidho the world of convenience has created this big pillow between us and a fall, which makes a tickly nose from a protruding feather feel like an ulcer

Anton Stöckl ✅

@davidho But you can’t put the weather in prison, or yell at it, beat the shit out of it, …

Pete Alex Harris🦡🕸️🌲/∞🪐∫

@davidho or better, if you're measuring reduced car emissions.
Just needs amphibious public transport.

Smörhuvud (he/surprise me)

@davidho No, because climate apocalypse, unlike climate activism, does not threaten the powerful today.

Search Climate Toots

I love your brilliant posting comparing the costs of flooding to one activists protests.
Here are six articles about Australia Flooding.

I will dig through them tomorrow to draft a more intelligent statement.

Riley S. Faelan

@davidho: Only because you're trying to run an objective comparison, and ignoring the fact that the kind of people who like to rail against climate activists tend to be the sort of people who feel PvP to be fun and glorious, and PvE boring and nerdy.

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