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Eugen Rochko

ChatGPT is at best impressive as a search engine where you can't tell how reliable the source is.


@Gargron I'm interested in it as a code generator. "Write unit tests for this function." "Generate BUILD files for this code."


@Gargron yep, a fake news machine. Anybody thought about feeding the chat bot’s stuff to an AI painting engine?

That Nonproductive Guy

@Gargron I also found it very unhelpful for dealing with telemarketers. 😁

eleanor, ofs

@Gargron I mean if you're using it as a source of truth it's obviously really bad, but it's a text generator. It's an extremely impressive text generator.

Anthony Tordillos

@Gargron I disagree. For an ML model to be able to generate prose on essentially any topic under the sun that can reliably pass as human-authored? That's incredibly impressive! 'Useful' on the other hand . . .


@Gargron That's kinda what I was thinking! Thank you for confirming!


@Gargron i havn't give it a try yet, seems like it can do lots of people work

Alex Spelucín :verified:

@Gargron Inlove how this has 10 answers but no favorites ha!

josh buermann


An unreliable search engine is as good as it gets, I guess, if it's "a potential absolute limit on the whole practice of language modeling."

Benj Soule🫂💙HumanityFirst🌅

@Gargron prediction: people will start to worship bots like they worship Muskrat. #ElonMusk

🇺🇦 Maksim Lin 💙

@Gargron as opposed to human "experts" who never get things wrong?


@Gargron it's like using Google's "I feel lucky" button, and then forcing yourself to use whatever answer it gives.

Ralf Stockmann

@Gargron I tend to disagree. No search engine I'm aware of comes up with a Monty Python Sketch about Mastodon and Twitter:

TTM :lisp: :emacs: :openbsd:

@Gargron I think you might be missing the point of it, it's not supposed to be search engine.

Elmar Beckmann

@Gargron more than that for me. It helped me (and saved many many many hours) by creating initial unit tests and documentation for my code.

Vint Prox

@Gargron Exactly. It's bound to have an agenda more overarching than just interpreting and helping to reduce man hours.


@Gargron also very efficient for social occasions where you need some perfunctory poetry

John Samuel

@Gargron For some queries, I ask #ChatGPT for references to be completely sure of the results. I feel that this should be the default feature. But then large language models do not work that way.


@Gargron if you write code, you probably look for answers on stack overflow. When you find something that looks fine, you try it. The same applies for #chatgpt, but it takes a few seconds to have an answer instead of digging. Moreover, if you post a question on SO, you will probably be answered badly, verbally assaulted; it just does not happen with chatgpt.

Helge Rausch

@Gargron This is so you can approach the result with an open mind. 😌

Murteza Yesil 🇺🇦

I thought the source was entire Reddit, StackExchange and Wikipedia.


@Gargron And when #gpt3 fails, it fails in a _really_, _very_ _awful_ way(s). Most obvious are the responses where output is plain non sense. They model is only a good as the data fed to it, and sometimes, even that isn’t sufficient. It’s a fun advancement for sure. More work remains to be done.

bettybarcode (she/her) 🚲

Someone needs to teach it how to cite its sources.

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