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David Revoy

💎 The Blue Crystal

I continue my drawing training and sometimes I push the rendering of a test and finalize it, like in this one.
I'm using almost no ref' to train my ability to predict color and light by imagination. Among my new skill, I'm now more confident at drawing and designing men. I can also better predict overexposed light areas and strong sunlight. It feels great to do progress.

#krita #MastoArt
#dragon #fantasyart #digitalart

Nartagnan ⏚


J'ai pas tout compris, mais c'est chouette.
Si tu progresse encore, j'ai hâte de voir ^^

Et très belle peinture, j'aime bien le regard que les deux s'échangent, il peut vouloir dire beaucoup de choses différentes ^^

LinuxGamer :fedora: :kdenew:

@davidrevoy This is absolutely awesome... as always, I am doing drawing training myself, but at the very beginning and actually learning how to draw XD. Again great work.


@davidrevoy para mim está muito bom, mas me falta o treinamento de ver as diferenças 🤗

for me it's very good, but I lack the training to see the differences 🤗

Marc Riese

@davidrevoy That is amazing! If that was a book's cover, I would want to read its story.
I imagine the dialogue in this scene starting with the dragon, asking "Why have you awaken me, my son?"

David Revoy

@marcr Thank you. That's a powerful first sentence to start a novel here.

If you are inspired (or someone who reads this) this illustration is licensed under creative commons attribution and you could use it as a starter, inspiration, cover, illustration for a blog post and even commercially.
Full resolution and license here if it helps:
I'll be glad to see these characters having a longer story together.

Ludovic de Luna

@davidrevoy Could we talk about intuitive (and less technical) drawing?

It is a very beautiful drawing. Cheer. I love the vibe.

David Revoy

@ludo Thanks! Sure about talking art. For an easier chat, maybe join Pepper&Carrot Matrix or IRC channel?


@davidrevoy Je ne savait pas que dessiner des personnages masculins pouvait être plus difficile. Pour quelle raison, en fait ?

David Revoy

@stemy Pour des seconds rôles, j'ai jamais eu de soucis (le roi, l'officier, les armées, les vendeurs dans Pepper&Carrot), mais j'ai jamais reussi à m'attacher à un personnage masculin pour lui donner un rôle plus important. Probablement car je trouvais le design à chaque fois plus caricatural et moche. Mais en fait, je n'avais pas assez travailler sur mes propres goûts esthétique en matière de masculin pour me décider sur le charisme ou son histoire. Là, je travaille dessus (enfin).


@davidrevoy C'est intéressant. J'espère toutefois qu'ils ne prendront pas non plus trop de place, c'est si rare les séries où les personnages importants sont pratiquement tous féminins.

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