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Scruffy Dux :krita: :inkscape:

@davidrevoy Thanking for sharing. I hope it's okay to ask a couple of questions?

In your sketching phase, are you using a transparent brush and transparent eraser to build the values? Or is it different shades of the same brown?

I'm also curious, do you use brown for that stage rather than grayscale so it will be easier to add the pencil lines, because it contrasts better?

David Revoy

@ScruffyDux Hey, thanks. Sure for the questions. it's a brush I made that does variations of opacity depending the pressure of the stylus, I describe it here , To obtain various shade, I also color pick with Ctrl key while painting. In this one, I used brown just because it was already selected. Any color when turning low opacity the layer are good to draw the pencil over.

Scruffy Dux :krita: :inkscape:

@davidrevoy That was wonderful, thank you! Now to go back and watch the full video, and install your brush pack.

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