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was B (this is my old account)

@davidrevoy @forgejo oooh! How cool. Is there a place where artists can find projects that are seeking art? (Worried making art unsolicited for stuff might make people feel yucky, but idk)

David Revoy


Hey, I don't think a place like that exists. But it's easy to enter in communication with project and not just drop an art out of the blue, unsolicited. On Sunday afternoon, I joined the Matrix room chat of Forgejo, and I shared with the team a sketch and asked if it was ok to share it, as a 'research' and 'wip'. It was, so I continued my drawing. FLOSS projects often have a lot of info into how to contact the teams.


David Revoy

@b_cavello Coincidence, today I saw in my TL the launch of "Community Design Team", a team of designers who work with upstream open source projects. Maybe a good place to be for you:



@davidrevoy @b_cavello
In fact, "Contribulle" is a french project which aims this goal, you may find some projects seeking such contributions
It could be mostly in french now.

I was hoping to develop a federated international version of this, but I don't have the skills now.


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