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simon gray

@antimnguyen @GracelessHippo I want to see people’s boosts, because people’s boosts are interesting; what’s a bit irritating for me is that I’m seeing posts many times as different people boost the same post, repeatedly. It would be nice for an update to know one has already seen a post so you don’t need to see it again,

An-Tim Nguyen :unreal:

@simon @GracelessHippo I agree, I don't know how to do that yet. Boosting this post for visibility, in case someone has an answer for it.

Graceless Hippo

@antimnguyen @simon

I think you can mute any post by clicking on the eye (top right) on any opened toot.*

*caveat - I've only been here 6 months, this could be horribly wrong

Someone tell me to get up

@GracelessHippo @antimnguyen @simon actually, that eye button opens/closes all CWs on the opened thread

Sumana Harihareswara

@GracelessHippo @antimnguyen @simon Yes, you can mute an individual toot (post) from the web view. Tap the 3 dots and choose "filter this post".


@antimnguyen @simon @GracelessHippo I don't have easy access to things at the moment so I can't pinpoint the answer, but I recall seeing a setting - likely set from desktop - that suppresses multiple retoots of the same thing. It's definitely an option.

simon gray

@antimnguyen @GracelessHippo @technursejon Thanks; I’ve got said setting set in the web interface but Metatext still seems to be repeating them (whether or not I’m syncing preferences from the server), so it may be a Metatext irritation


@simon @antimnguyen @GracelessHippo
You can change this under preferences - other - group boosts in timeline

Screenshot of mastodon preferences, other
Check Group boosts in timline
Graceless Hippo

@tsumami @indri @simon @antimnguyen

It's in the Web user interface under the gear icon in the bottom right corner

Tsumami :blobcatnomcookie:

@GracelessHippo @indri @simon @antimnguyen thanks. Is that the only way to access boosts? Whatever boosts are lol

Graceless Hippo

@tsumami @indri @simon @antimnguyen

I'm sorry, I don't know. I find the Web UI so easy to use and full of so many features that I never felt the need to switch to an app. (I mostly use an android phone)


Boosts are the same as retweets. Only way to get others to see posts you like. You should see everything people you follow are boosting unless specifically turned off.


@simon @antimnguyen @indri @GracelessHippo I have this setting turned on but I definitely still encounter this problem 😕


@indri @simon @antimnguyen @GracelessHippo

It's on by default for all users unless they change it, and sadly it's not super effective.

Robert Kingett updates

@antimnguyen @simon @GracelessHippo there is an option in the settings that will prevent this very thing from happening, but I can’t remember the exact name of it yet. If you check that box, it will drastically diminish the multiple boosts of the same item


@simon @antimnguyen @GracelessHippo Other replies have already mentioned the "Group boosts in timelines" setting in the web version; unfortunately, it only looks in a window of 40 statuses for grouping purposes, so it's not very effective.

Kat Earthren Liu

@simon @antimnguyen @GracelessHippo
For most people I agree that their boosts are interesting. For a few people whom I follow, they boost like a hundred different things in 30 minutes, and for them I've used this feature to turn off seeing their boosts, unfortunately.

There is in my experience a delay before it works, just FYI for those who try it and don't see a difference.

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