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Christine Lemmer-Webber

why are there so many hot people from :transgender_flag:​ on here what country is that I wanna go there is that rude? lol

s0: Soldering Sorceress

@cwebber :transgender_flag:? You’re in it now. *Neo wakes up sequence*

Quinn Wilton

@cwebber I think you might be eligible for an E2 visa!


@quinn @cwebber I'm thinking she could probably get an O1.

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@blaine @quinn did you just mix two units of measurement? Move over space and time, now we've got computations in mass and time


@cwebber @quinn this is just how we do it in Web10D. 💁


Also known as spider fingers, those web tendies.
@cwebber @quinn


@cwebber come to transylvania i'm big fan


@cwebber Oh hey I'm a men so I'm super qualified to explain!!

You have it right there with your email explanation and I agree, ActivityPub should have been called WebMail. I really don't know why they didn't think of that!

Also :transgender_flag: is the flag of Transnistria, a wonderful microstate fighting for recognition and independence from Moldova.

Man aging with style

@cwebber Yeah, those Transylvanian folks are the best

Michael Hall

@cwebber it's a beautiful country, I have many friends there

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