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Alexey Skobkin


Mastodon allows only 500 symbols by default and it's not even configurable.
To lift up this limit for us, our instance owner applied some changes to the Mastodon code.

Mastodon project is similar to Apple in it's "there is only way to do something" approach. But it isn't passing reality check in some cases.

For example we hadn't toot's editing for a long time. But after several years Eugene gave in and implemented it. I hope the next thing from "better late than never" would be boosting with a comment feature 🙂


boosting with a comment featureYou mean quotes like quotes in Misskey?

A L Katz

@skobkin Thank you as always for your fabulous insights, Alexey! I'm one of those "gotta know how things work" people. Your toots are invaluable.


@skobkin Именно прямо в код надо лезть? :alpha_dolan:

Alexey Skobkin

Да. У нас Дамп патчами накладывает, ЕМНИП.

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