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Alexey Skobkin

It is really surprising for me that lately some people who mostly speak English were subscribing to me.

I am still wondering if it's related to the fact that Mastodon 4.0 supported one-click translations?

Or maybe that's because when a lot of Twitter refugees were registering on I mostly spoke in English when answering questions about Mastodon?

Or maybe for some unexpected reason some of them were interested in learning Russian as one more language they knew?

Anyway, it's as pleasant as it's unexpected and I'm glad that social networks are breaking some barriers which were much harder to break in the past.

#Mastodon #English #Russian #translation #thoughts #surprise #people #log


@skobkin I opted for because it was hosted in Europe, vetted new users and was a short URL. I really appreciate people who post in English but it's not difficult to hit "translate".
It would be even better if there was a setting so posts flagged in other languages auto-translated to your home language, but for the moment I'm just enjoying the experience.


  Alexey Skobkin

There is an option to restrict your feeds to the list of languages you want to see.
Check out "Filter languages" here:

But it's also not ideal at times because sometimes the posts are marked as wrong language and missed by the filter.

And yes, the option you proposed would be better, but I think it'd cost much more because Mastodon uses DeepL API and translating one post and translating a whole feed is a lot of difference in the size of work.


@skobkin It was the one click translation for me.

  Alexey Skobkin

Good to know that translation really helps people to get along.
By the way you're not following me AFAIK 🙂 But that's ok if you're following someone else who doesn't speak English and using translations. That's exactly what I was interested in. The motivation.


@skobkin Of course I'm following you. You must be mistaken!

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