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Beverly 🌿

@trumpet please can you tell me where the search button is? Been looking for quite a while! Thx

Matt Brown

@beverlylelong @trumpet you type a hashtag or a person's handle in the top left hand corner box. Mastodon doesn't have regular text search like Twitter does.

Beverly 🌿

@mattbrowndev thank you. My page doesn't have that so will try a different app. Could be that my extra large font is obscuring it!

Beverly 🌿

@cktodon thank you. Mine looks nothing like that! 👍 will try the Tooot app....

Saren Pedersen

@beverlylelong @trumpet I am no expert but I would say it depends on which app/interface you are using. I use the Mastodon App for IOS and one of the icons along the bottom is a magnifying glass 🔍 for the search page, which allows you to search for people, hashtags, posts, etc.

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