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@signalapp Welcome!

Signal should be the DM implementation here in the Fediverse. ❤️

Bootstrap from Mastodon/Webfinger IDs to Signal conversations. 🙏

Ben Pate 🤘🏻

@blaine @signalapp
Fantastic idea. Signal is open source, but doesn’t it require Signal’s centralized servers? What would it take to embed into Mastodon?

Natanael ⚠️

@benpate @blaine @signalapp Matrix has OLM which is adapted for federated group conversations, derived from the Signal protocol.

There's also a protocol under development at CFRG, called MLS, but I don't think it's ready for deployment.

Ben Pate 🤘🏻

I’ve been hacking on the Fediverse for a while now (though always stuck in second gear 🎵) but the new push into mastodon is super exciting. Seems like a new world is just beginning to open up. I’ll have to check out OLM to see how it fits into all of this 🥸


@blaine @signalapp eh. I mean it sounds like a nice idea in the frictionless sense but Signal's been pretty overtly antifederation for a while now (and there's longstanding gripe about signalserver for standalone)

something _like_ that which doesn't suck would be nice tho

Janik Besendorf

@blaine @signalapp Signal should not be the DM implementation of Mastodon. It serves a totally different purpose und supports alot more thing Mastodon doesn't need. Mastodon could use Double Ratchet though, but might be better suited with #MLS.

Sriram "sri" Ramkrishna - 😼

@blaine @signalapp I would prefer matrix .. there is a great parallel here with two decentralized communities

Jan Eden

@blaine @sri Yes, no offense to the great @signalapp, but #Matrix is a much more natural extension in true #Fediverse spirit.

Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@jan @blaine @sri @signalapp I honestly see zero reason to use Signal after they dropped SMS support. It was like the whole point to the app.

@shipp @jan @blaine @sri @signalapp I like, because they use mail adresses as usernames.
ルーセント ~ Lucent
If you missed it, @soatok is writing a proposal for E2EE over Mastodon/ActivityPub for DMs, which IMHO is heaps better and more adhering to the Fediverse spirit than relying over a centralized and third party clients unfriendly application

Relevant repo with the specs:

@blaine or Matrix, or a DID-based version of Signal.

Andrew Beresford

@blaine @signalapp ahhhh, if I didn’t have to give my phone number to people to have conversations with them in Signal.. this would be the one!


@blaine @signalapp Signal, is the phone number a must? If it is, maybe instead?

Charles Roper

@blaine @signalapp Wouldn't Session be a better fit? Decentralised. No need for phone number. I love Signal - use it every day - but the need for phone number is showstopper for many.

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