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Simon Willison

We got safety vests for our chickens when we were having our new patio built - here's Azi briefly wearing one (she wasn't a fan)

A very pretty grey chicken with textured feathers wearing a high visibility safety jacket, walking across a newly cemented patio. She looks somewhat ridiculous and a little bit irked

@simon Awwww. Could you please give her a small helmet, too? 😁

Kim van Wyk

@simon I think I can accurately state that in 40 years I have never before heard anyone say "we got safety vests for our chickens". Are they available off a shelf or did they need to be made?

Kim van Wyk

@simon TIL about a business sector I had never considered. Great business name too.

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@kimvanwyk @simon

They are designed and distributed from the UK to many countries (and have a variety of benefits for the chicken, on top of reducing any risk of being run over should they decide to cross the road..)


@vfrmedia @kimvanwyk @simon

There is some amazing copy on that website πŸ˜†β€‹


@vfrmedia @kimvanwyk @simon
"should they decide to cross the road.." As we all know they tend to do. πŸ˜‚

Al Sweigart

@simon Sometimes I wonder how I would explain our modern world to Ben Franklin (i.e. a smart-ish person who lived before the industrial revolution).

Explaining this would involve A LOT of preamble.

Daniel Schildt

@simon I remember seeing similar safety vests on sale, and people were so happy about them. Probably happier than the animals who would be supposed to use those.

David Thompson

@simon This is wonderful, adorable, and may have just melted my wife. 😊

Carter Baxter

@simon I find the vest wearing chickens delightful


@simon this post proves to me that Mastodon will be as entertaining as birdsite ever was.

2 weeks in and I'm already at "how did THAT show up in my timeline, but it's kinda cool".

Alex :artblackcat:

@simon I completely missed at the time this jacket is Omlet branded. Of course!

Alex :artblackcat:

@lizzard @simon Oh I'm familiar, thus the total lack of surprise! Simon and @natbat have a whole collection of Omlet things. 🐣

Victoria McIntosh

@simon But if she starts to dance, is it the chicken dance or the safety dance?

Dulce Maria

@simon Awesome! Love that Azi tolerated the jacket. I tried an apron on my foster chicken, Sherman, and she didn't like it one bit.

Diane πŸ•΅


Millennia of evolution trying to find the optimal camouflage to hide from predators.

Defeated by humans with a few tens of dollars.

Julius S

@simon amazing to see another chicken owner on Mastodon! There's at least two of us πŸ™‚

I tried to put a vest on ours and she started to walk backwards and seemed in distress, I did not try again. Did you use any tricks to convince them to ear it and did they get used to it?

Simon Willison

@seporaitis that's pretty much what ours did too - we managed to get one to wear a vest long enough to take that photo but we've left them alone since then!

Sandra Lindsey

@simon that would have made it much easier to find our Rhode Island Red hens when they hid under the hedge πŸ˜† We only keep white feathered hens at the moment - much easier to spot in the garden!


@simon Perhaps she's offended that her vest says "Omlet"?

Karel P Kerezman

@simon ... does that tag say "Omlet"?

No wonder Azi wasn't happy with it, if so!

Simon Willison

@greyduck it's the brand name for her chicken coop that she lives in!

Karel P Kerezman

@simon That is /hilarious/. Also, chicken-coop-branded chicken apparel is the most delightful thing I've heard of all day, thank you.


@simon I guess @wurzelmann should know about this. πŸ₯°

Robert Burne

@simon This might be the best thing I've seen online today. Take 1000 internet points.


@simon I can imagine. Reminds me of the β€œsnow boots” I got for my dog when we went to the mountains. He walked around trying to shake them off.

Ward Chanley πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸŒ»

@simon I'm going to come back to this post for a pick-me-up for the rest of my days.

Mel Lee-Patrick

@simon this is the healthy content I’m here for! :BlobfoxBongo:

Vicki Ziegler

@simon All the rage for all safety-conscious, road crossing chickens!

Morgan Hill ε’¨ε±±

@simon next up, safety helmet for little Azi, please!

Tim Lavoie

@simon Our yard is rural, with little traffic calling for visi-vests.

On the other hand, I'd consider some sort of hedgehog cloaks for mine. (Related, I had a post as to why yesterday.)

Ron Abramson

@simon Can stop worrying about WHY the chicken crosses the road!


@simon just when I thought I'd seen it all. This is amazing!

Gaina_Cee (She/Her).

@simon Well, if that's not just THE cutest thing I've seen all day.... πŸ˜†β€οΈ

Cheryl Bozarth

@simon this may be the best chicken post I’ve ever seen. Love it!


@simon This is adorable, and looks like Azi is checking the slab level. Good chicken.


@simon Sushi wants to know: could she come work on the patio, too? She'd love a vest.


@simon She looks adorable in it! We have vests for the kitteh bois. They hate them. Is it universal, or does any critter actually like safety vests?


@simon On eBay in my neighborhood, there's a private seller that sews jeans jackets for chicken. I was wondering where to get one and add a lot of heavy metal patches :D

Daniel Santos

@simon funny and amazing idea πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Sunny and his dad

@simon oh my, funny! But a safe chicken is a Happy Chicken.



HiViz chickens...

... yup... awesomeness confirmed! πŸ‘

ganitzsh :neovim:

@simon omg it’s my dreams, I wish I could have chickens! They’re awesome


@simon probably the best thing i'll see today, thanks


@simon I did not know this was a thing and am now delighted it is, in fact, a thing.

Emma Brane-Dammijd

That is one of the most endearing things I have ever seen!

Well done.


@simon so now it is safe for the chicken to cross the road ...


@simon Omg that is the cutest thing on the internet today, imo

Simon Willison

@jon we actually have that door! I had not seen the video though


@simon Patio? I assumed it was for when she crossed the road.

I’ll see myself out now…

Aria :bi_dumpsterfire:

@simon there's a joke in here somewhere about chicken crossing guards, I feel.

Hans van Zijst
@Simon Willison That's one chicken that can cross the road :thumbsup:

Did you give your chickens safety vests so they couldn't just cross the road safely, they could actually do road work safely?


@simon The alt text for this is excellent.

Star Creek Farm

@simon How were they able to carry the tiles? Our chickens refuse all manual labor.


@simon Like cats, some chickens hate costumes.


@simon I so want some for my chickens but I don't think I could catch them to put them it on them lol!πŸ˜„


@simon Oh that's just beautiful. A friend of ours sent us a chicken crash helmet but, sadly, it didn't fit Princess Leia.

Tim Hall

@simon looking forward to the #ChickensInHiVis calendar for 2023. πŸ”πŸ₯


@simon Did she cross the patio safely? 😜

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