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Aral Balkan

Here’s an idea: let’s call people “people” on the fediverse instead of “users” whenever we can.


“There are 42 users on this instance.”


“There are 42 people on this instance.”

Which acknowledges our humanity more?

Language matters. We don’t need to perpetuate mainstream technology’s othering/colonial framing of “us” – designers/developers/other “clever folks” – and “them” – the users (usually one step removed from “dumb user” and usually the ones who get used).


feli i do not agree. there are more users than people, and users vs developers doesnt seem like that much of a problem to begin with, especially in a place where admins and developers are users too. "stupid user" is something that should be purged from every developers (etc) vocabulary anyways, but "stupid people" doesnt exactly seem better.

however, 'people' implies that they should be treated like people in the physical world. and while i assume that thats kinda what you are referring to as well, it will not keep bad actors from being bad actors. it will, however keep well-meaning and often vulnerable-to-begin-with people from simply blocking or ignoring others. because you wouldnt ignore someone in the physical world, right? (unless theyre homeless or drunk or old or disabled but lets leave that aside) if it is a
user youre blocking or not replying to, it creates a barrier, a distance, from our actions in the physical world. i wouldnt block a person but i would totally block a user. language matters, but the prerequisites are different online than offline. there is a justification to be entitled to some form of attention in the physical world, but non (exceptions apply) on social media. i do not agree. there are more users than people, and users vs developers doesnt seem like that much of a problem to begin with, especially in a place where admins and developers are users too. "stupid user" is something that should be purged from every developers (etc) vocabulary anyways, but "stupid people" doesnt exactly seem better.

however, 'people' implies that they should be treated like people in the physical world. and while i assume that thats kinda what you are referring...

Andrés Monroy-Hernández

@aral small caveat is that some accounts are for organizations. So I tend to use the word accounts when trying to be precise but generally speaking the word people is best 👌🏽

Clive Thompson

@aral I'm down -- "users" has icked me out ever since the 90s when I first encountered the usage, with ISPs talking about their customers

⛰🌲Randy Walters🌲⛰

@clive @aral

I remember it from Tron, when the evil MCP threatened a poor lowly program:

“You're in trouble, program. Why don't you make it easy on yourself. Who's your user?”

Drew Mochak

@spellacy We don't necessarily know that a person is running an account. There are many bots on masto as well as twitter. Though, most of the bots have their own instance like

Erik Bates

@aral if I’m one person, but have a separate bot account on an instance, am I now two people? 😉

Tom Veneny

@aral honestly, this thinking is bullshit.

use --> user ... drive --> driver ... etc

you're looking for problem where is no problem.


@aral I'm not sure I agree. Why not just use the known terms which are fine. It's the commercialisation of 'users' and the 'audience' which is the problem. It's not the terms themselves. It's a losing battle avoiding more and more words as they get coopted. Let's fight for community, not corporate, ownership of language.

William Gunn

@aral This is a design principle at Quora and I love it.

D.N:K ♐

@aral Nope. one people can have more than one user account.


@aral yes! In my day job (IAM Architect) I’m trying to avoid the word ‘User’ as much as possible and instead use either ‘Person’ or ‘Account’ depending on the context. Too often ‘user’ occupies the fuzzy space between those 2 fundamentally different things and regularly leads to miscommunication.

Tim Somers
@aral Language matters, indeed, which is why "users" is the only correct option. The same person may have multiple accounts, eg. for work or an alter ego that not everybody needs to know about. User accounts can be counted, the number of people is a guess at best.
Little Green Bird 🦜

@aral So. Then why not make it a fun demonym? I get it. "People" is humanizing the end-user; the contributor. But this is a community and self-identifying as a community is just as important as how you self-identify.

"There are 42 Mastors online." We are the 'masters' of our community.

Jeff Eckman

@aral appreciate this thread. How about “participants” ?

Elias Chevette

@aral I agree. Humanize as much as possible.


@aral am game, new to the site just saying hi to all the people #peopleNotUsers though I do like those Tron movies with the line "I fight for the users" #tronlegecy

Paul Stewart II

@aral Okay, on the other hand, there are bots too. So it assumes they don't exist. 😂

Dave Wakeman

@aral I'm definitely on the embrace this new beginning as a way to be more human and just less shitty.

Rich Bruchal

@aral But not all accounts correspond to actual people. Some accounts may represent companies, e.g. if Apple had an account. Or news organizations. Maybe there’s an account that aggregates information of some kind. There are all kinds of accounts that don’t fall not the “people” category.


@aral that’s a wonderful idea. Language does matter. I’ve wondered if the ways we interact with tech are teaching us to be less humane with each other. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this but, when I ask Siri for something and it gives it’s response, I say ‘Thanks Siri’. Not because I think Siri is sentient or even listening. I just want to make sure that someday I haven’t developed the habit of walking away from someone who helps me and not say ‘thank you’.

Deadly Headshot

Some people (me included) have multiple usernames, so is a "user" a person or just an account?

@dheadshot @aral what you are referring to as a user is equivalent to exactly one set of 35 (no more no less) chained Calcuttans in the rape dungeons of cum salon. Few know this
Drew Naylor

@aral This is a good point, though the issue is that not every account is connected to one person (some may have multiple accounts and/or there may be one account that's run by multiple members of a plural system each as their own [usually AFAIK] person [as I am not plural, I don't fully know how that works and am not an expert; I have wondered though how voting and stuff should work, as each system member is generally a person]), or the account may be for an organization or bot.


@aral It really depends. I have 2 accounts on this instance. Does this make me 2 users, or 1 person?


"End User" is a simple term to separate support and development staff from everyone else. It's straightforward and not offensive. Switching to "people" forces a fork in conversation to separate "people" back to "support" and "not-support" which makes daily support interaction more painful than it already is.


@aral Although, do all accounts belong to individuals, or do some belong to groups or organizations? I know you said "whenever we can," but it might be difficult to tell sometimes.


@aral I like that. I’m a health care worker and we try really hard to avoid saying “the appendix in bed 6”, and I’d say people vs users would be the same principle. But then, I’m no techie and I’m hanging out in your world so I’ll play by your rules


@aral people sounds so much better than user.

Daniel Latorre

@aral There's a professional technical definition of the term, to refer to people who actively use a service, and the different types of use. But I agree that it's not useful as a public facing term where technical clarity isn't needed. Like vi vs emacs in the unix/linux world, users vs people is an ancient debate in the UX world.

Alexandra Moved :antiverified:

@aral This kind of thing is due to the fact that the dev of mastodon ... are dev, so they talk like dev (where a user is a user because he "use" our software).

It's a Good idea, and i will push it more, to ask volunteer and other to actually find a report on mastodon git this kind of informatics word to be corrected.

#idea #mastodon #volonteer #dev


I fully support your proposal of #PeopleNotUsers even if you would not been the original thinker 🙂

I am also a big fan of #REScoops (Renewable Energy Sources Cooperatives) where people are not just consumers but citizens taking energy production into their own hands. We can do way more ourselves than companies and vested interests want us to believe!

Frances Heijman

@aral But what about all the cat and dog accounts? 🙄


@aral Thank you! I was deeply dismayed over at the blue birdie when Musk referred to his newly acquired Social Media Site as his "product." 🙄

Nik 🏳️‍⚧️ (he/they)

@aral Agreed. At work, I endeavour to change our language in the same way; e.g., “the user” => “our customer”. We have to stop othering people and erecting more artificial barriers between us.

christine gosnay

@aral I’ve just signed up moments ago and I’ve no idea what any of this means at all but I do not feel human

The Gentleman in Question

(dislike of language wars) < (appreciation of valuing human dignity)
So, 👍👍

michael miller jr

@aral I can get behind this.

Of course, bots are neither users not people. Is there a way to further distinguish personhood to address bots?


@aral I'm not sure if assuming accounts to be people is appropriate for a network like this, where organisational accounts might have multiple admins using them or one person might have multiple accounts.

Bart S.

@aral I wonder if attempts to distance the use of the term from “drug users” comes from a lack of compassion towards people who struggle with drug addiction, and also stigma towards people who legally use drugs recreationally.

I think the term can be used in a neutral sense, especially if you’re specifically speaking from the perspective of a designer/developer/PM/etc. We are users of a lot of things in our lives that bring utility and joy.


@aral I work in IT, that's a hard thing to unlearn



It would be even better if "instance" could be replaced as well.



My instance has exactly one people. And is in desperate need of a better admin person.


@aral @_ohcoco_ not nearly as bad as what they call people at work ... "resources"


@anactualcloud @aral Oh, yeah...that's pretty terrible :o/ but ultimately very honest on their part 🤷

Matthew "Smiffy" Smith

Last boost: totally this. Fediverse is already people-first in the way that it works (fantastic community on this and sister instances) so very much up for using appropriate language.

Peter Barnes

@aral A previous CEO of mine used to remark that only two “industries” referred to their clients/customers as “users”: drug-dealers, and the IT sector.
Like so much jargon that has escaped from technical back-rooms, it’s not fit for public consumption, and too often represents the (unconscious) tech-bro orientation of IT development (and I should know, 50 years programming).


@aral i like the humanizing touch. Does “subject” do the trick?


@aral What about robots? Are they people too?


@aral That word "instance" is .bit of an alienating barrier, too


@aral had never felt like a dumb user. until now. 😬


@aral Day #18356 on the internet.

They still don't know I'm a dog.

Alexander (Sasha) Wait Zaranek

@aral Maybe "users" is also a nod to bots and sock puppets and not just "people" on any given instance? ♥️💔

Can't quite decide if there is a there there. Or people is always better than users.

Octavia Nasr

@aral "Language matters" I love that!! Words by themselves mean nothing but their effect can be enormous!! Thank Marshal McLuhan for inspiring that thought!

Pewter Tankard

@aral A fine idea… and one that every person should agree with. Even the most übergeek developer is a person.

My only concern is that is is also the thinking behind why “corporations must be treated as people too” laws exist.

Shades of Monty Python and the Holy Grail “You are all different!”… followed by the solitary voice in the vast crowd meekly saying “I’m not”


@aral Not sure I really get this concern. "User" is just a tech-specific word for person. Do you think it's problematic for doctors to refer to the people they treat as "patients", or for teacher to refer to the people they teach as "students"?

No Pasarán, Mate!

@aral Yes!
Let’s do that with other spaces too:
• employees = working people
• beneficiaries = people benefiting
• unemployed = unemployed people


@aral We love the idea of #people. It helps us find suitable minions.

Er...friends. Yes. Friends


@aral it’s a good idea, I’ve always found both “users” and “consumers” dehumanising

Raj 🇬🇧🇪🇺💻🖥️ 🔶 (🌻🇺🇦)

@aral You're presuming "users" doesn't include bots. "Participants", perhaps.

I don't see what the kerfuffle is about calling users users.


@aral Doesn't that discriminate against the non human users here?

Éamonn O'Brien-Strain

@aral It is interesting that the name "users" is applied to both consumers of software and consumers of illegal drugs.

Des Devlin

@aral How about 'My one flesh' or 'fellow creatures'? It's what the Ranters would have wanted.

Andrew J. Young

@aral I agree! "User" can be helpful in instructions, but we "users" of the product should see each other as people!


@aral This is a mindset I've been practicing in my UX projects and I love it. I'm a huge fan of humane design!


@aral a single person can have multiple user IDs though, right?

ThatOneCalculator the correct term is technically "actors", but that's just ActivityPub talk :)


@aral Maybe we could explore a range of potential names. Like "citizens" or "cosmopolites" (citizens of the world). Just "people" has some unwanted connotations of its own, e.g., the fourth definition in Meriam-Webster, "people," "the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class." Giorgio Agamben's work touches on this issue.

Patrick Forringer

@aral how will I be able to live out my fantasy of existing in the Tron universe if I can’t call people user?

Gareth Fenley

@aral "Users" or "Accounts" is a good neutral term. There is not a 1 to 1 correspondence between users and persons.

Eᴀʀʟ Mᴀɢɴᴜs

@aral As far back as the 80s, when I was a consultant, a customer said, "Keep calling us users and we'll start calling you pushers."


@aral I’ve been in tech since the 80’s, never been comfortable with calling people users, and try not to. I’m for #peopleNotUsers

Kris McCracken

@aral. Agreed! The reduction of people to numbers is exactly the kind of de-personalisation that has led us to this time and place, globally.


@aral I like this idea. Have been searching for way to constantly reinforce ideas that counter loss of common sense/civility I experience as an onslaught too often. Thx.

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