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Dr. Quadragon ❌

> But all of that makes everything I'm watching right now fill me up with a million emotions. It's great to see success. It's frightening to think that being too successful might make you a target.

Yes!!! As a very vocal, outspoken and public advocate of Fediverse in Russia, I think I kinda can relate. I'm glad the Fediverse is finally getting attention it deserves, it's like the dream come true, it's like Christmas up in this motherfucker.

It also feels like being naked in the wind with a giant target painted on my back. Because Russia is generally *name-anything-under-the-Sun*-phobic, so people of my type are not exactly popular here either, so I might get arrested, searched and if especially unlucky probably executed (some regions are still doing this sort of stuff, unofficially).

I'm also burnt out and tired.

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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@cwebber (Oh, and I'm not even trans, just a humble bi/pan)

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