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tech? no! man, see...

a tip for the newcomers: I know it may be tempting but please don't open a portal to the Torment Nexus

people use this site to get away from its incessant howling and screeching, and so intentionally creating a containment breach kind of defeats the whole point


user not found

@technomancy just run it in docker and you should be fine to open a portal to the Torment Nexus.

Chris [list of emoji]

@ff0000 @technomancy

So I tried this and now my monitor is dripping blood.

I tried rebooting and that didn't help. Neither did deleting Docker, wiping the disk and reinstalling, grinding all of my computers to a fine ash and burying it at a crossroads, then changing my name and starting life anew in a different country.


@suetanvil @ff0000 @technomancy you just have to use the Mac M1 architecture binaries. Snappy, and no torrents of blood.

Chris [list of emoji]

@JacksonBates @ff0000 @technomancy

Alas, they spontaneously turn into Real Mode DOS binaries. But they still run. On my x86-64 Ubuntu box.

Johnny Normality (Feral Mode)
@suetanvil @ff0000 @technomancy

Remove the torment volume and do a docker compose down. That should fix ya right up.

@technomancy my yogglings will devour the flesh of your entire phenogenetic worldtree

Alex Early

@technomancy thanks for reminding me. Just sealed my own portal.

Alex Early

@technomancy Crossposters are pretty tacky. Turning it off forces me to be more intentional about what goes where.

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