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8 posts total
tech? no! man, see...

one thing I think that might be lost on newcomers is the fact that this past week has been BANANAS for everyone who's been on the site for years, and if you feel like people are being snippy or pushy about social norms, that's probably why.

on a normal week when people talk about "hey please CW that" or "please don't spam your tweets here with a crossposter" or whatever they're more likely to do so patiently and explain the reasoning behind why we do things that way but on a day like today things are more likely to get a little snippy or terse.

don't take it personally! the old timers are trying to maintain social norms in the face of a flood of change, and they're worn out. keep that in mind if you think to yourself "hm; this place doesn't seem that friendly". give it some time to get back to normal before you bounce.

one thing I think that might be lost on newcomers is the fact that this past week has been BANANAS for everyone who's been on the site for years, and if you feel like people are being snippy or pushy about social norms, that's probably why.

on a normal week when people talk about "hey please CW that" or "please don't spam your tweets here with a crossposter" or whatever they're more likely to do so patiently and explain the reasoning behind why we do things that way but on a day like today things...

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Whreq Jnnyobre

@technomancy I'm one of the new people here, but apparently my bubble is different from what you describe: I haven't seen such snippiness. All I've seen is lots of friendly people who are careful to phrase instructions and requests about social norms as "tips" and "advice".

tech? no! man, see...

a tip for the newcomers: I know it may be tempting but please don't open a portal to the Torment Nexus

people use this site to get away from its incessant howling and screeching, and so intentionally creating a containment breach kind of defeats the whole point


user not found

@technomancy just run it in docker and you should be fine to open a portal to the Torment Nexus.


@technomancy my yogglings will devour the flesh of your entire phenogenetic worldtree

Alex Early

@technomancy thanks for reminding me. Just sealed my own portal.

tech? no! man, see...

i've had this comic in my gifs directory since 2007 and i only just realized it was a prophecy about bored apes

tired blip

@technomancy this shit makes me so angry. even looking in my own house, I have *piles* of plastic and cardboard to take to the recycling this week from just... day to day living.

and recycling in the US is a scam (even here in WA) so like, I know better than to think any of it's actually getting recycled.

RIP Earth.

tech? no! man, see...

Did You Know: Bluetooth is named after the 10th century Norwegian king Harald Bluetooth, who was also not able to reliably connect to audio devices wirelessly.

tech? no! man, see...

ME: Twitter is an absolute garbage fire of a site with no redeeming qualities

TWITTER: Today #restinpiss is trending because Rush Limbaugh died

ME: Twitter is an absolute garbage fire of a site with VERY FEW redeeming qualities

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