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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@axbom but can I use your NC work on my blog? I blog for fun, and have no money in the game, so this sounds safe. But I also use my blog to promote myself, and sometimes I might get hired to do something based on the contents of it. Is that "commercial"? I don't know.

Imagine an NGO that got grant money to promote the Fediverse. Can they use your fantastic work (with attribution, of course!)? NC does not make it clear, and if I were running that project, I would probably decide not to risk it.

Per Axbom

@rysiek Valid points. My take was always that it's about the artefact itself. So okay to showcase in commercial settings but not to sell on its own as the reason for charging money. But I see where it can make people hesitate. I'll have a think about it.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@axbom right. So that's the biggest downside for me. NC makes the work risky to use, and thus it will not be used by projects and in contexts that you might presumably want the work to be used in.

SA solves this better in some ways. For example, no Big Corp would ever take an SA-licensed work and use it in an ad campaign or a product, film, etc, because they would have to release the whole thing under SA. Not gonna happen.

I totally get your "I don't want people to make books with my content"…

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@axbom …but the way I see it (and I do have an SA-licensed blog), if somebody finds a way to monetize my SA-licensed content before I do, good on them!

And there is a reasonable chance they will pay me anyway, so that I produce more of new juicy content for them to publish.

That's obviously a very personal take, but I think it's worth considering.

Per Axbom

@rysiek In this particular case I'm also truly myself of the conviction that people can use it when consulting, to show the concept of the Fediverse. Just not print and sell copies of it.

Thinking like that it makes sense to drop the NC :)

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@axbom right? 🙂

Plus, some people *will* print and sell it anyway, regardless of the license. These people will just ignore the terms anyway, be it NC or SA or whatever else.

Finally, all CC licenses allow you to be very clear how the attribution needs to look. You can be very specific about how it needs to be placed, etc, on a printed rendition, for example. Perhaps that's a way to deal with that issue as well, while switching to SA:


@rysiek @axbom Remember an author retains the right to change the licence s/he has put her/his work under. Even with an -nc licence, the NGO of your example can still contact the author to get an explicit authorization to use her/his work and create derivate works.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@agarwaen @axbom absolutely, all of these licenses are non-exclusive.

That said, that *is* another step to take, and there *is* a (perceived) chance the author says "no". So it *is* a risk, still.


@rysiek @agarwaen @axbom finding the author's contact, writing them, and then *waiting for the answer* is prohibitive in many, especially precarious/non-profit creative processes.

*could* i have asked xkcd to drop the nc from their battery-horse-staple comic to include it in some educational material that was printed and given away for donations? _very_ theoretically 😅😅😅


@rysiek @agarwaen @axbom on the other hand *no one* took my excellent cc-zero or cc-by-sa materials to extract the maximum profit, which is a little bit insulting to be quite honest 😑

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