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Per Axbom

@rysiek In this particular case I'm also truly myself of the conviction that people can use it when consulting, to show the concept of the Fediverse. Just not print and sell copies of it.

Thinking like that it makes sense to drop the NC :)

1 comment
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@axbom right? 🙂

Plus, some people *will* print and sell it anyway, regardless of the license. These people will just ignore the terms anyway, be it NC or SA or whatever else.

Finally, all CC licenses allow you to be very clear how the attribution needs to look. You can be very specific about how it needs to be placed, etc, on a printed rendition, for example. Perhaps that's a way to deal with that issue as well, while switching to SA:

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