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Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Je pensais que tu allais expérimenter sur le medium ou le rendu de tes illustrations, pas que tu allais faire des memes (j'a-dore ! 🤣)
Que va-t'il rester pour nous, les dessineux·ses avec moins de pratique que toi ? 😅


I find this doubly funny because of the long week-end we've had —I thought it was monday.

Cloudmom Colette

@JennyFluff @davidrevoy you may have been generated but you made it your own


@electrocutie but I have to praise @davidrevoy for the awesome Pepper&Carrot comics!

David Revoy

@JennyFluff @electrocutie Thanks for your nice words!

By the way, someone sent me a version of the catavatar with character creation mechanics and the final picture can be downloaded as a PNG on transparent background: , I'll link this tool on the blog later.



Excellent, le Cat Avatar Generator ! 😀


@davidrevoy I already felt it was Friday on Tuesday...


@davidrevoy ayayay, that is way too big a mood. what a week indeed.


@davidrevoy I sometimes think it's Saturday while it's Friday. Not so funny imo.

David Revoy

@niclas Yes, the free/libre alternative 😉

Thomas A. Jones III


Monday being Halloween has had my sense of days off-kilter.

Because I thought for sure Halloween had been on Sunday.

Elfi, :verifiedtransbian: cute moth

@davidrevoy I saw this this morning, laughed, then saw it boosted again this evening and sighed sympathetically


@davidrevoy wife changed pattern of days to go back into the office. Instead of tue/thu, now mon/tue. So today was really like "where am i, what year is this, who is the president of the United States" ;-)



@davidrevoy I have a policy of starring all 30 Rock references. 😂

Alexandra Volkoff Pitrolo

Same feeling here…😔
J’aime beaucoup ce dessin 😍

Carlos Solís
@davidrevoy Note to self: find a way to schedule reposting this one every Wednesday

@davidrevoy My sentiments exactly. :blobcat_thisisfine:

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