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Eugen Rochko

I do software development, devops, accounting, customer support, project management, product design, public relations, and moderation for 36K per year...

Seth Lazar

@Gargron flipping heck yes that isn’t enough…

Dave Lane 🇳🇿

@Gargron even though Patreon has its issues, I'm going to support your efforts there. Many others should do the same. And when a better FOSS platform emerges to replace Patreon, we'll be primed to jump to it instead.

Bruce :kirby:

@Gargron You definitely deserve a much higher wage than that, my man


@Gargron would spreading the word about your Patreon help with the compensation aspect of things?

Brian Siana

@Gargron just donated on Patreon. Thanks for your work.


@Gargron let’s put some optimism!!!! Yeah - you do need additional help, you have no idea how many people are going to jump ship to Mastodon!!!!! Soon $$$ won’t be a problem, but it’ll be staffing. You’ll have plenty of people trying to work for Mastodon!!!!!!!!

Johannes 🌻

@Gargron thank you for all the hard work. Comparing OpenCollective and Patreon, which one is the better platform for you as a receiver of contributions?

Mr. Funk E. Dude

@Gargron for anyone that reads this and wants to help, consider a monthly donation thru Patreon.

Monthly membership starts at $1.

Brian Drell

@Gargron I just became a sponsor. I hope more of us in the #twitterexodus will do the same.

Alan Langford

@Gargron Consider a donation / pay what you can subscription model. has a pretty decent system for this and I'd happily send a few bucks your way to make things more worthwhile.

Heidi Li Feldman

@Gargron I just signed up to support you through Patreon. I encourage everybody who has recently come over to #mastodon to join me. You have close to 1000 patrons now, not nearly enough. Folks, you can donate a buck a month. If enough of us do this, we can make a real difference to somebody who has made a huge difference for all of us. #gratitude #twittermigration #twexit #neuhier. Here’s the Patreon link.

Steve G

@Gargron I just joined and really don't know my way around. Nevertheless, I want to say thank you for managing this site. I think it's a public good and appreciate the hard work.


@Gargron professionalize the organization which will scale in the future and ensure decentralized sustainable development. Introduce effective monetary support, which makes it easy for people to give you and the mastodon org not only kudos but also cash. Signal could be a good example how to make it.


@Gargron Just became a gold sponsor (hope it helps). I have a software company that specializes in all of things you just mentioned. Happy to help / support in whatever way possible. Feel free to slide into my DMs if you need any help. Great work on this btw!

Ole V. S. Mortense 🇩🇰

@Gargron Thank you, for doing whjat you do, Despite being paid insultingly low for what you do. Maybe you shouldn't carry the Entire Load by yourself, tho... Nobody should carry The enrtire burden of a business on thier own shoulders. that'd kill a man after a while.

Jackson Palmer

@Gargron Just let me know if there is anyway I can help.

Bob Morris

@Gargron That's a lot of different responsibilities... All at once too.

Grant 🇺🇦ArmUkraine🇺🇦

@Gargron I need to check out what's going on with my CC tomorrow. But I will be supporting this important work. Thank you

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

@Gargron you are doing great work, thanks for amazing service!

Paul Weber

@Gargron because of the money: hope i can help by donating! And will look if I can take over some work - I got some relevant Skills!


@Gargron I’m infamously schizophrenic at this point so all my money is coming from the Australian government currently. I hope you’ll enjoy this small donation and that you get the support you deserve.

Aarne Granlund

@Gargron I am considering a monthly donation through Patreon. This place is very #wholesome


@Gargron Well, damn! What can we do to help? Donate? What else?

Sidinator 🎶

@Gargron Well, as far as I can see, you are doing a Fantastic Job 😀 👍


@Gargron 🙏🏻
Thanks for your work and efforts
Thanks for providing an alternative platform!

Marc Kaulisch

@Gargron This is hard. I wonder whether it is possible to generate amounts of money for this project that it can adequately pay developers and infrastructure, and avoid the normal platform business.

spaceotter :mastodon: 🏳️‍🌈

@Gargron obviously get some rest. i know im not alone in saying we appreciate your hard work. perhaps in due time and will grow to be managed by a small group or entity of some sort. in any case, rest up & take a load off

Eva Pavlikova

@Gargron you really do a fantastic job. Apart of the signal this is another nice example that such a big impact projects should be owned by the community, non-profit or foundation with the focus on impact rather the profit.

I really love the feature with @signalbot to easily donate in app (and I donate).


@Gargron I feel that this is just the beginning…hang in there!


@Gargron Patreon d
Thx for staying that long and doing great work


@Gargron thank you for all the work that you do. it is very exciting to see this project explode into the mainstream. you deserve so much more for what you have contributed to the world 💜

Deadly Headshot

Have you got more moderators applying yet? Hope you get a chance for a break.

spla :senyera: :vim:

@Gargron thank you so much for your work. Mastodon project is great! it's growing the fediverse so it deserves a lot more patreons supporting you!


@Gargron one of the hardest things ever to do is to monetize your platform. going forward, you've got three options:

1. ads
2. subscriptions
3. more vc funding

I wouldn't mind either of the first two- ads suck, but they pay the bills. subscriptions work, too, but it's hard to motivate people to pay. whichever you end up with, thanks, good luck, and godspeed 🚀

Paul Nicholas :mastodon:

@Gargron Coincidentally, I proudly began supporting you on Patreon yesterday (+shared the link for others to consider). Hopefully, things will pick up soon & you'll be properly compensated for your efforts.😉
Thank you for everything you're doing here - this place is a wholesome haven 😊
(...especially compared to where the last site seems to be going! :birdsite:)


@Gargron thanks Eugen. Is there any chance to donate via PayPal. I don't have the money for monthly payments. Sorry.

Christian Tietze

@Gargron I really believe you should have a Patreon or sub-$1k sponsorship tier for regular enthusiasts

Clarkisha Kent

@Gargron Is there a way to support you/the platform beyond Patreon?

Hans Kristian

@Gargron I have donated! I reccomend everyone who find Mastodon a useful and better alternative to support with what they can 🤩

Robert Lemke

@Gargron I can relate to that. So, what's your ideal solution – build up a (paid) team as part of a foundation or company? Or would sponsoring you personally unlock more time or make it less stressful?

Johannes Brakensiek

@Gargron Sendung you a huge ton of appreciation and thankfulness (and some additional donation as well, of course)! ❤️ :ilovefs:

Nordnick :verified:

Wie heißt es so schön... Selbstständig bedeutet selbst und ständig... habe da so meine Erfahrung... paß auf Deine Gesundheit auf.

Sorry, in german, because of specific language stuff...

Richard B Colon

@Gargron thank you for your hard work and dedication during the new overflow of new users like myself

Adam Cook

@Gargron Thank you for all that you do! I added my support just now.


@Gargron is there a donation system setup? I'd rather send money directly than through Patreon.


@Gargron I think there's a big community here who believe in paying the people who build the things we use.. do you have a resource for ways we can support you & Mastodon development?


@Gargron not enough indeed. just added a monthly donation via OpenCollective.

Christian Laforte

@Gargron Make it easier to donate. e.g. link to your Patreon from your profile. Right now I'd like to donate, but I'm not sure what's your preferred mechanism.


And certain birdsite migrators have the gall to demand new features with an angry tone and sense of entitlement.

If they care so much, they should #donate to #mastodon:

Philipp Claßen

@Gargron Became a sponsor now. Thank you for your great work!

Maria Liv ✏️

@Gargron That doesn't seem healthy! Anything we can do to help? (I am a patron, but we should maybe step up the donations?) Do you have any solution in mind for the long run, if users keep increasing?

Kayo Hamid

@Gargron when we love what we do this is what happens 😅


@Gargron patreon subscribed for the year. thanks for everything

Emelia 👸🏻

@Gargron I recall you being fairly against the proposal to add the ability to charge for signing up to an instance? Has your stance on that changed?

Like, 817k * 10$ / year or something would be a pretty healthy amount of revenue that'd ensure servers could keep up with the hardware and social requirements (paid moderation teams)

joey 💙

@Gargron That's not nearly enough for what you're doing! I've become a supporter on #Patreon. I encourage others to do the same.

#SupportMastadon #Mastadon


@Gargron wichtig ist doch, dass du zurück nach Jena kommst Junge! Hier muss das Mastodon-Zentrum sein! Ich helfe dir auch unentgeltlich beim managen und wir gehen zum Feierabend jeden dritten Donnerstag ins TT. 😜👍🏼

Bill Strait

@Gargron That is not a great spot to be in. I wonder if @will might be interested to have you on his FOSS Pod to discuss what that looks like and what solutions are out there.

Philip Ferenc Ashlock

@Gargron keep up the good hard work. I'm excited to be supporting open infrastructure and just updated my Patreon membership to Sponsor. I hope others will do the same and Mastodon gets the support it needs


@Gargron joined the Patreon... make that $36,012 now 😎

Brian Ward

@Gargron I think you're going to be earning a lot more very soon. ❤️


@Gargron aah post the donate link along with that - this one?

Michael Meese 🇪🇺

@Gargron Wow! That's shockingly little compared what you could make with your qualification and reputation. I mean... This project is your baby, but it shouldn't eat you alive. And it is completely OK to get proper payment for your work. Maybe instead of asking for donations, maybe you should charge the users money. People can't expect to get premium services for free.


@Gargron hello what is the language for Mastodon ?

Richard "RichiH" Hartmann

@Gargron what would be your preferred way of being paid €8 per month? This seems actually worth paying for.

Zerov (he/him)

@Gargron You're basically what Musk is pretending to be.

Ajaya Agrawalla

@Gargron just signed up as a sponsor. Keep up the good work.

Eloísa & them Seagulls

@Gargron wait. Isn't this open source? Aren't there other people collaborating? :blob_dizzy_face:

The Doctor

@Gargron Wait. Don't you have a mod team over there?


@Gargron The question is how much the Pateron income will scale with users. Will that be enough to do all that with so many users.


I bought 75 Satco lids and containers. One of my existing lids was a mirror image.

Gaukh :smug:

@Gargron Is there a possibility to help out with Moderation?

Ethan :firefoxnew: :popos:

@Gargron Wow, that's crazy! Just signed up to the Patreon, thanks for your work!


This is a huge achievement Eugen.
Thank you.

Nils 'Kojote' Hitze

@Gargron do you want / need help with moderation or pr?


@Gargron Hi! I’m a Twitter migrator. Thank you for all your hard work! I’m enjoying it here. How can I contribute?

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