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Dr. Quadragon ❌

How the fuck all those kids who are supposed to be "digital natives" by now, don't understand how an URI works?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@tennoseremel I blame Apple and their iEcosystem.

Not for being an integrated ecosystem or being well-designed UI/UX-wise. Those are generally good things.

I blame Apple for being as much cloak-and-dagger about the inner workings of their products as they can fucking muster. I swear, even MacOS has never been as closed-down as iOS is.

I think, we can call it "hacker-hostile" or "tinker-hostile" design. The user interaction paradigm that not only discourages creativity and curiosity, but actively prohibits it.

I have no issue with "You don't need to know" kind of design. I use Gnome, FFS. The problem starts when this mutates into "You don't need to know, SO YOU CAN'T UNLESS WE CAN EXTRACT PROFIT OUT OF YOU" (here, have a paid SDK).

And everyone else is also in it for ripping off their strategy of being secretive and hacker-hostile as shit, including Google.

@tennoseremel I blame Apple and their iEcosystem.

Not for being an integrated ecosystem or being well-designed UI/UX-wise. Those are generally good things.

I blame Apple for being as much cloak-and-dagger about the inner workings of their products as they can fucking muster. I swear, even MacOS has never been as closed-down as iOS is.


@drq I'd say Apple does not actually do good UI. I mean, those checkboxes are atrocious…

:umu: :umu:

better, they know how to be cringe on tiktok.
dolphin boy :puffhyper: bitches will call themselves "natives" but dont know how to live off the land


@drq does growing up in a digital greenhouse make one a digital native or a digital vegetable? :blobcatgooglytrash:

Ави Кафазэн
Недавно общался ИРЛ с одиим челом, который в свои 20 лет держал серваки лайнэджа, а сейчас даже не может на криптошизо перейти по причине "нет автоматического перенаправления с http на https")0))
Evelyn fra denne andre øya vendors benefit from ignorant users, and now they've had time to create them

Evv1L (Эвил)

@drq spyphones were a mistake. I knew it :blobcatgooglytrash:


@drq shall we really trust it since it's a sponsored content?

Evv1L (Эвил)

@ZySoua oh yeeees :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands:



@drq >“They love technology,”

They don’t love technology. They just love what technology happens to be able to do for them.

I have written about this - Refuting Computer Literacy


@drq If we just start with the assumption that smartphones are equivalent to TV and, well, phones, and not computers (despite neat M1 processors and whatnot), this stops sounding weird.


* They never had to debug their DNS resolution, so what is "hostname" exactly?
* They never had to htons() the port number, so what does it even do?
* They never `cd`'ed anywhere, so what should the path-parts remember them of?
* They never had to `netcat -lp 80` to debug obscure issues, so what would "http://" mean to them?
* They never had to put an `id` attribute anywhere, nor check the network-requests view, so what would be different about the local part?

> How the fuck all those kids who "can write" don't even know how to mix ink?

* They never had to debug their DNS resolution, so what is "hostname" exactly?
* They never had to htons() the port number, so what does it even do?
* They never `cd`'ed anywhere, so what should the path-parts remember them of?
* They never had to `netcat -lp 80` to debug obscure issues, so what would "http://" mean to them?
* They never had to put an `id` attribute anywhere, nor check the network-requests view, so what would be different about the local part?


@drq Кто должен их обучать? Хотя, это в пустоту.

Simone Silvestroni (M2M)

@drq most digital natives I know barely know how to use email. Some don't even understand the concept of "email".

Elias Mårtenson

@drq because digital native does not mean that they understand technology.

They've grown up with technology in a similar way as my generation grew up with cars. We all use them but few can repair them.

There was a myth around the 90's where there was a belief that people growing up with tech would know it in the similar way as the geeks of the 80's did. They did forget that to use a computer in the 80's required you to know programming, to use a computer in the 90's required you to only understand files.

As the new century rolled over, things became even more streamlined, which was necessary to get more people to use it.

I have for a long time been of the opinion that the number of people who actually understand tech is constant. There is a certain proportion of the population who are willing to actually understand this stuff, and that doesn't change over time.

@drq because digital native does not mean that they understand technology.

They've grown up with technology in a similar way as my generation grew up with cars. We all use them but few can repair them.

There was a myth around the 90's where there was a belief that people growing up with tech would know it in the similar way as the geeks of the 80's did. They did forget that to use a computer in the 80's required you to know programming, to use a computer in the 90's required you to only understand files.

@drq @loke Yep, good point. Reminds me how it changed with cars. At first every driver was also somewhat mechanic. Then it was no longer required to know inner workings of car but the driving it still was rather complicated as lots of controls were involved and mastering gear shifting alone was a challenge. Soon it will be reduced to steering only.

At the same time cars themselves changed from something very tunable and hackable into huge black box with almost no "user serviceable parts inside".
@drq @loke Yep, good point. Reminds me how it changed with cars. At first every driver was also somewhat mechanic. Then it was no longer required to know inner workings of car but the driving it still was rather complicated as lots of controls were involved and mastering gear shifting alone was a challenge. Soon it will be reduced to steering only.

@drq did «electrical native» generation understand how electricity work? «Radio native» understand how radio work? What fraction of drivers understand how IC engine work?

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