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@davidrevoy The cat has already finished working and is in rest mode :rm_funny:


@davidrevoy 😍
Il ne fait pas un peu sombre ?

David Revoy

@fatuus C'est principalement un effet de l'obturateur du téléphone qui fait le point d'exposition de lumière sur l'écran pour capturer ses détails. J'ai toujours pas de auto HDR. Aussi, c'est vrai, c'est une journée gris gris ici 🌧️ 🙂


@davidrevoy I see the lady and the dragon from your previous picture have decided confrontation wasn't terribly productive.

David Revoy

@Wolthera Yes, I sort of felt bad to let them in the previous state; an eternal confrontation, frozen in time. ☺️

Toon Link :verified:

@davidrevoy It always warms my heart to see your kitty enjoying your workspace, too. :blobaww: It's so nice to have a kitty to pet within easy reach while you work. Should be required job equipment. XD

Neat rotary phone! Does it work?

David Revoy

@ToonLink Thanks! The phone doesn't work anymore, I removed the circuit board (it's a phone from Poland I found at my parent in-law attic). I plan to put in it a Raspberry and disks to transform it into a mini-nas at home. That's probably a TODO I have since 2018 😅 I completed the first steps: cleaning, removing things inside. and take measurement to plan my build. Might be done by 2030 🙃

Toon Link :verified:

@davidrevoy Oh, that's neat! it'll give it a new use, and it'll look stylish at the same time. :D

That's a big mood though, haha. There always seems to be something else to do when we have projects. 😆

Leah (Cloudstylistin)

@davidrevoy hey, more a technical question. If I'm right from your tutorials you use an Fedora for your system. Do you know if you use it with wayland or X11? If it's wayland which driver do you use for your tablet. I'm struggling with some driver problems with my xp-pen and wayland and searching for a solution until they support wayland out of the box.


@davidrevoy wow that looks so cozy! 😍
My set up is in desperate need of a bookshelf right now honestly haha


@davidrevoy Looks so incredibly cozy but at the same time i wonder if its cold in there with those bricks.


@davidrevoy nice setup.
Also I love that OG phone 💞

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