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Yay or nay?

"Apple is sharing street name information in selected countries. We believe this data is accurate but we recommend, as with all data, that it should be verified locally. The data was derived from address data that was collected through various methods including field survey and is from 2020 and 2021. The street names were selected from the addresses near the street segments. We plan to continually update the data posted below as well, and will update the table below when we do."


"This contribution is made available for use under the OpenStreetMap ODbL license."

My country is on the list, probably fine for streets in residential estates. Just outside these specific areas... some gardening is required. Also, obligatory to put on a common sense cap.


@AkuAnakTimur I think I've seen Apple directly editing street names in some areas.



Yes, they do, worldwide. Only for those with recent machines (with the security chip) or phones only.



"based on Maps user feedback"

Here's Apple Map Data team confirming it:

... and some details which kind of Macs would be able to submit corrections

(of course I reside in Malaysia, hence, this redirect to the Malaysian region support page)


@AkuAnakTimur yeah, pity they don't put the actual source into the changeset tags.

Where was your original quote for street names from?



The Apple Maps data team thought their hashtag #‌adt would be OK (nuh uh, it doesn't). For transparency purposes, at least, a mention of e.g. based on Apple Maps user feedback might be fine.

Original quote for street names from? Sorry, I don't get that.


@AkuAnakTimur the quote at the start of this thread looks like it's from something longer. Do you have a link to the thing it is from?

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