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David Revoy

@lritter Oh good. Do you think you can contribute and plug it in Krita?

Leonard Ritter

@davidrevoy if writing a blending layer is more work than a python script, then i don't have the time. but i can contribute the necessary code (in GLSL form) if somebody else is up to it.

David Revoy

@lritter You can get a direct idea of the necessary effort to plug a new blending mode by looking at the MR diff of Despair for this Lambert one:

Leonard Ritter

@davidrevoy so i have to run a custom krita build just for another filter. oof.

David Revoy

@lritter You can also contact Despair on the Krita-Artist forum and share the script approach/logic/documentation you have in mind about it (and tell them it's GPL but you can't have time to do a custom Krita build and port it yourself). They might be interested to do the implementation and the merge request.

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