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Thorwegian ❄️

they want us to use it, but we didn't ask for it

Gloopsies :fedora:

@bufalo1973 @thor

Doesn't help, it installs itself on Ubuntu when you install Firefox/Chromium anything else that defaults to snap. It's possible to stop it from installing by changing some config files and blocking snap, but you still can't get Firefox from official repos since there is no Firefox on official repos

Thorwegian ❄️

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 yeah, i never actually requested Snap to be installed. and an increasing number of packages simply have it as a dependency. it's no longer the package manager installing the software. the package manager just has a stub package that launches the Snap stuff.

Thorwegian ❄️

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 i'm not opposed to a standardisation of when it comes to software deployment, but also, i dislike most contemporary approaches to it, such as Snap or Flatpak. what are binaries doing in my home directories?

Thorwegian ❄️

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 there's been a similar development with Python, Ruby and Node.js packages though. several of them will expect you to create a user and a home directory for whatever service you're trying to set up. and i get it, because different versions of these runtime environments are often incompatible. but one of the things that annoys me with Snap is how it doesn't even try to be subtle about it.

"here, in your home directory, i will create a non-dotfile folder..."

Thorwegian ❄️

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 perhaps one thing that bothers me is the inconsistency. and to a smaller extent, how this isn't how UNIX has worked before.

Thorwegian ❄️

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 it's also very much an admission that shared libraries and shared dependencies failed to do what they set out to accomplish, and an admission of defeat. "yes, multiple copies of things that do almost the same thing will have to exist on disk, and in memory space, only because they're all slightly different" and it's maddening.

Thorwegian ❄️

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 i have a Microsoft sysadmin friend (yes, the "come to the dark side" Darth Vader jokes have already been cracked) and i wanted him to understand the situation with Snap. we chat in Norwegian. here's a translation of how i explained it to him:

"it's a bit like how you, on Windows, need umpteen different versions of Microsoft's Visual C++ library to make all your software work."

"and in recent years, the .NET Runtime. not to mention DirectX versions."

"one has, in the Linux world, tried quite hard to not end up in that situation."

"the Snap/Flatpak stuff lean more toward, no, it's not possible that all the programs use the same versions of various libraries and can live in the same environment, so they need to be isolated more. understandably, this results in a simple chat program eating 1 GB of disk space and 4 GB of memory because each program insists on running its own version of the Chrome engine. and that a chip that, on paper, should bring a space ship to the Andromeda galaxy, in practice uses all its energy on displaying a user interface that the user mainly employs to look at cats on Facebook."

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 i have a Microsoft sysadmin friend (yes, the "come to the dark side" Darth Vader jokes have already been cracked) and i wanted him to understand the situation with Snap. we chat in Norwegian. here's a translation of how i explained it to him:

"it's a bit like how you, on Windows, need umpteen different versions of Microsoft's Visual C++ library to make all your software work."

Gloopsies :fedora:

@thor @bufalo1973

Flatpak actually addressed most of the storage problems already. It has a diff engine that saves a lot of space if different apps use same libraries (even different versions can be deduped with only version differences being left out). That and compression makes flatpak apps take even less space sometimes then native packages if you already have the runtime installed by other apps.

Gloopsies :fedora:

@thor @bufalo1973

It's true that if you only have one or two flatpak apps it takes a lot more space but even if you install a kde app on gnome desktop with native packages it would take the same amount of space since you don't have the kde runtime so it's not comparable

Longplay Games 🎮

@gloopsies @bufalo1973 @thor Not using Ubuntu is the best choice, but if you're required to (either to support clients or whatnot), that's the solution.

Your comment that there's no official repo is what I was pointing out the solution to, not that you should use Ubuntu in the first place :D

Mian Cat
@thor I'm kinda expecting Canonical to announce that theyre ditching deb packages altogether.

@thor after a decade on ubuntu 20.04 will be my last one, on my way back to debian.


@thor I don't umderstand tje problem with Firefox as Snap. It works. :flan_shrug:

Thorwegian ❄️

@proedie there is a thread below that explains what some of us feel about it. perhaps best viewed on my instance's web view.

Longplay Games 🎮

@thor First thing I did was remove and blacklist snap/snap apps, then install the proper debs and flatpak.

I wouldn't even be using Ubuntu derivs at all if I didn't feel a need to support people using our game on Ubuntu (which the vast majority are)

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