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David Revoy

My last evening in Boston was great! Thanks Story, @zenhack and @doctormo for the very interesting talks and the guided tour of Boston by night. My vacations are ending, time to go back home and produce new artworks and comics 🙂

A photo of our group having a drink together.
A photo of Boston by night
A photo of a pause during the visit with me and Doctormo, enjoying Italian pastry on a public table.
Our group during the visit, in the background of a Benjamin Franklin statue.

@davidrevoy @zenhack @doctormo
aww some of my favourite Fedivers(ar)ians in the same picture :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Ian Denhardt

@davidrevoy @doctormo You're welcome! it was great to meet you and we had a lot of fun.

Also, welcome to the Fediverse, @narrativefiction (Story)!

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