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Eugen Rochko

I was notified that @tateisu's Mastodon app "Subway Tooter" has received a warning from the Google Play Store citing user-generated content that "incites discrimination".

A Mastodon app does not host or promote any content. The user types the address to connect to. The responsibility of moderating resides with that server. So unless Google is going to drop Chrome, Firefox and Opera from its platform, this is completely out of line.

Source in Japanese:

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Tony Stark :verified:

The @fedilab app developer got one, too.

Seems like BS from Google.

Eugen Rochko

I knew this reminded me of something, I looked it up and similar things have happened to at least one podcast app in the past. Eventually Google admitted there was no violation but only after the story gained publicity.

Sir Nedwood - Sydney ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

Ironic that instance mods that prevent access to certain other instances due to some posts that might "incite discrimination", are upset when Google do the same thing.


@Gargron @tateisu We can't trust Big N to support a free and open Internet if it isn't in their financial interests. We have to do it ourselves.


Yes, Fedilab has also 7 days to bring changes without knowing what exactly.

Toasted Bread

@Gargron @tateisu I don't speak japanese so I can't directly verify this, but if it is then we need to be up in fucking arms.


@Gargron twitter banned from app stores for doing nothing about nazis when?


@Gargron @tateisu Google Play is a joke, and they constantly harass developers over completely unintelligible nonsense ๐Ÿ˜•

Stรฉphane Bortzmeyer

@Gargron @tateisu I remember that #Fedilab had the same problem, with censors signalling it to Google Play and F-droid because it allowed access to bad instances :-(


@Gargron It is time to report Google Chrome for letting people surf content that incites discrimination.

Alexey Skobkin

@Gargron @tateisu Just proposed this as one of the topics for "Radio-T" podcast.

Hope that publicity can help to solve this issue.

Polychrome :clockworkheart:

@gargron that's incredible.

I guess Gopher and Gemini clients are next on the list. :thonking:โ€‹


@Gargron They did it to Gab. Now you are eating your own.๐Ÿ˜†

Get them on fdroid asap

@Gargron @tateisu This is what Gab was trying to do, right? Create a situation where Google has to either allow them or ban all fediverse clients? Does anyone know if apps like Tusky who took steps to protect themselves have been treated the same or differently?


@Gargron @tateisu
But Mastodon bans Gab server long before Google did it. Google just follows SJW leadership.

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