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@redstarfish Well this was several years ago when it was first submitted. I didn't know they listed it—although you'll note one of the points preventing it from getting an A is “Service description mentions: ‘Runs fully virtualised builds on various Linux distros and BSDs.’ (A8)”; A8: “Avoids saying “Linux” without ‘GNU’ when referring to GNU/Linux.” Note that yes, there are GNU/Linux distributions in the service, however there are also several non-GNU Linux distributions, and hence the term “Linux”, a superset of “GNU/Linux” and non-GNU Linux

Abhiseck Paira :gnu: :gnuhurd:


Ranked B is not bad. I think the system was in place much before existed. So nothing personal against

From gnu's pov having that kind of criteria is justified. Gnu has its own policies/mission. Listing something as A is basically boosting it. And when that service promotes stuff that works against gnu (like promotion of "opensource" or mislabelling gnu system as linux) it's like scoring an own goal.


Abhiseck Paira :gnu: :gnuhurd:


That's why category A is reserved for services that boost gnu back.

There are many ways to say what says without purposefully spreading misinformation e.g.,

"Runs fully virtualised builds on various free unices."


"Runs fully virtualised builds on various GNU, Linux and BSD distributons."

So don't use Alpine as an excuse.


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