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Cal Alaera

@schratze Counter-point: An important skill for posting on worldwide social media is making a statement and knowing whether or not you should add "in <name of country>" before clicking Post.


@Cal in my experience, you cannot trust USians to do this

mazunki loves you ♡

@schratze @Cal postel's robustness theorem states that you should be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you deliver. i think the same applies here.

Cal Alaera

@mazunki @schratze I hadn't heard that before. It seems like good advice. :)

mazunki loves you ♡

@Cal @schratze its origin is RFC761, on TCP congestion control :P


@Cal @mazunki @schratze Depending on how deep you want to go down the rabbit hole you can read and probably a bunch of things which have been written on the robustness principle.

mazunki loves you ♡

@soaproot @Cal @schratze oh great, this is exactly the rabbit hole i want to go down. thanks!:)

Elda King

@Cal @schratze It is less a skill than just an accident of birth (wether you were born in the US or not).

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