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Hart of the Wud

I picked up a new (well, used but in great shape) overhead projector recently. This one is "portable" so it comes in a little suitcase and weighs like 6kg. Replacement bulbs are about 4€.

I like that it's technically simple and repairable and other than the bulbs, not much is likely to break soon. There is no dull prescriptive software suggesting that I make slides in any particular format. I can even do fun stuff like put two slides on top of each other or draw or write directly on them. I can make them digitally, analog or in whatever mix I like.

It's a cool format.

Any other #overhead heads out there in the Fediverse?

Luka Prinčič

@praxeology what are >slides< made of and where you buy them? you can print on them?

Luka Prinčič

@praxeology and the photo on third image? a woman exmplaining men how to use a computer?

Hart of the Wud

@luka I assume so, yes. That's Grace Hopper. The men in suits appear to be PoC. And the young white guy at the keyboard is the low-status keypunch operator or "coder". Kind of exciting how things can be different in computing!

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