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Chris Marsh

15 years ago, I worked on a game that ran at 60Hz on a 333Mhz cpu on the PSP. It animated skinned transforms for a dozen rigs, transformed maybe 20k triangles and rasterized them, decoded and mixed music, and a dozen other things, all in 16ms. I think about that a lot when things are slow on my 100x faster computer.


@marshian I have similar thoughts when I wonder how my smart watch lags.

Matt Purchase

@marshian the amount of model rips I’ve seen from stuff like Elden Ring or Hunt: Showdown with what is clearly non optimised assets (rendering all the detail beneath clothing, etc) I’m not really surprised.

Digital downloads, live service, larger memory budgets and disk space have significantly reduced the practice of optimising.


@anchorite @marshian I think about that a lot too and I imagine the convoluted pipeline that isn’t optimized for “best perf” vs other metrics like a ceo promise of release and it starts to make some sense

Chris Marsh

@anchorite surprisingly, that post was inspired by git rebasing a few commits of a few lines of code and taking several seconds to do it. I think more than just games could try their hand at optimizing now and then.

Though I probably agree I would quibble with you about what things are "clearly" not optimized, it's hard to know that sort of thing without knowing their constraints. I just have a vague sense that hashing a few kb on a modern pc should take well under a second.

approxamatrix :spinny_cat_trans:

@marshian ooh that's cool. btw, what is that game ? (if you don't mind me asking)

Chris Marsh

@approxamatrix10 I was thinking about Rock Band Unplugged for PSP. It has been a while, so I'm probably messing up the exact numbers there, but it for sure was a stable 60fps because I distinctly remember it being unplayable if there were frame rate drops.

Fred Brooker

@marshian common Linux machine which just does virtually nothing, runs about 300 processes, most of them scripted - not in the machine code

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