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You get hardware for libre distros, not libre distros for your hardware.
fuggy ファギー ☭⃠
@cyberspook @iska no thanks rather not use a separate computer just for autistic distro and have to use neetpad from 50 years ago with core 2 duo
I mean, there are Pinebook Pro and System76 Pangolin.
Dumb Idiot Retard
@cyberspook @fugger @iska Please don't ACTUALLY use the Pinebook Pro. t. PBP Owner
fuggy ファギー ☭⃠
@idiot @iska @cyberspook What is wrong with it? I could see myself using one I have used core 2 duo before
fuggy ファギー ☭⃠
@idiot @cyberspook @iska Only problem is software only software I would miss is Vivaldi no arm builds probably better to use lighter browser anyway
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix: replied to fuggy ファギー ☭⃠

@fugger @idiot @cyberspook

that's bloat then and you can't even disable it.
What feature in there you actually use?

MattZ replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:
Just make Emacs your operating system, no more bloat then. :blobcatsmol:
fuggy ファギー ☭⃠ replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:
@iska @colinsmatt11 @idiot @cyberspook Emacs is good as a text editor your using it wrong if you use it as

- Game engine
- Game player
- Terminal
- desktop

Only other correct use case
@iska @colinsmatt11 @idiot @cyberspook Emacs is good as a text editor your using it wrong if you use it as

- Game engine
- Game player
m0xEE replied to fuggy ファギー ☭⃠

@fugger @colinsmatt11 @iska @idiot @cyberspook
> Emacs is good as a text editor
This just sounds wrong! Does anyone even use it as a text editor? I mean there is vi, why even bother? 😂


@fugger @iska @cyberspook The web is the main problem, otherwise old hardware is quite usable. Yesterday I've fired up a neetpad from 50 years ago (Thinkpad T40) to update it and generate ed25519 ssh keys for it. And everything except the web is there. You can use gomuks for matrix, amfora for gemini, mutt for mail and gomphotherium for fedi, mplayer plays 720p videos just fine. And this thing's got only 512 Mb RAM! The web is not the biggest problem, it's the only problem actually.

For web browsing in a terminal you can use Lynx. Or w3m if you need images.
@fugger @iska
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