@finner @kDelta @QasimRashid The difference that I think is meaningful here is that if it's society as a whole, those are high cost spread equally (or in an income dependent way) over people.
The US -also- has crazy expensive healthcare on an individual level, what I mean by that is that the high cost of the system also falls significantly to the individuals requiring treatment. Which makes the high cost (which is always problematic for any society), even more problematic.
@finner @kDelta @QasimRashid As you rightfully said, ultimately we the people as consumers pay all of the cost. But some of us need more care than others, and the thing about health care systems is to think about how much of that cost you put on the individuals requiring care, and how much you share among the healthy population.
If you're overall cost per capita is just way too high, for whatever the reason, both of those portions go up.