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Bas Schouten

@kDelta @finner @QasimRashid To be fair that depends a lot on which state. The US is complex that way. Under Biden I wouldn't visit Texas. But I was fine with New York. Under Trump obviously I'm not touching that dumpster fire.

Bas Schouten replied to Bas

@kDelta @finner @QasimRashid (and let's be clear, in terms of being murdered by the state, people being killed and opresses, etc. and countries one should never visit something like China, Venezuela or even the Phillipines are still way worse than the US. And plenty of people going there as well šŸ™‚)

kĪ” replied to Bas

@Schouten_B @finner @QasimRashid I know it varies by state but if the Federation allows it the blood is on it's hands. I just would not go, I'm more pedantic on the US though because it even has a vastly higher jail population pro rata than any other democratic nation and has essentially slave labour in them. Very convenient. In reality I may not mind visiting China šŸ‡¹šŸ‡¼ if I absolutly had to. No way Iā€™d ever visit PRoC šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ though.

Bas Schouten replied to kĪ”

@kDelta @finner @QasimRashid Oh yes. I did mean the PRC and not the ROC šŸ™‚. I've been to the Republic a couple of times and find it a pretty nice place!

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