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PixelDroid :pixelfed:

Hi everyone,

A new release just came out on F-Droid!

Big update and changes of the colors in the app.

You can now choose a color accent out of the four possible choices, the bottom bar in the main activity was updated to a more "Material 3" look.

This release also adds a new mascot drawing (which I commissioned with funds from NLnet 🇪🇺)

I hope you like it 😄

Have a nice day!


@PixelDroid now if only you could fix the "discover" tab (the one with the magnifying lens icon) so it actually refreshes the pictures on the page, that would be brilliant :D

PixelDroid :pixelfed:

@antanicus it used to work but pixelfed changed the server api, I will try to take a look at it :)


@PixelDroid brilliant! And many thanks for the outstanding work on the new UI, it fits Lineage OS 19.1 beautifully!


@PixelDroid @antanicus Sorry about that, what endpoint was this? Lmk and I’ll fix it on my end!

PixelDroid :pixelfed:

@dansup @antanicus I don't think it's something you should "fix", you just changed how the `/api/v1/discover/posts` endpoint behaves (it no longer returns different random posts each time) and I didn't update the UI or incorporate the new endpoints

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