@_elena Yep, it goes fast, unless you self-host (but more complex too).
I ddn't know about Plausible! That looks like a great solution for analytics. Thanks for the tip :)
@_elena Yep, it goes fast, unless you self-host (but more complex too). I ddn't know about Plausible! That looks like a great solution for analytics. Thanks for the tip :) 2 comments
@nrdufour Adding to that, unsure if it passed by here: tinylytics.app/ also might be interesting to look into, for privacy-preserving, lightweight analytics. It's a bit cheaper than plausible but also offers less features, still might be an alternative to keep in mind then and now. 🙂
@_elena |
@nrdufour Plausible is amazing and they're here too: @plausible 🤗