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That's awesome! I could stare at that for a while
is it camera shutter speed that animates it? Is the light strobing?
(Can you see it IRL?)

Lillian Violet

@RnDanger it works IRL, it works because your eyes retain the previous thing they saw for a short while. It's pretty cool to see in person.


@yurnidiot I know what I’m staring at for the next 3 hours.


@yurnidiot oh wow thanks I definitely learnt something today 😯🙏 #zoetrope

Screenshot of search result 

"The word zoetrope comes from the Greek words zoe meaning life and tropos meaning turning. Inspiration

The zoetrope is based on the human retina's ability to retain an image for about a tenth of a second. If a new image appears within that time, the brain combines them, making the sequence appear continuous. 

Modern zoetropes
Some modern zoetropes use 3D technology. 

Pop culture
Zoetropes have appeared in pop culture, including a scene in the 2016 film The Conjuring 2

Making a zoetrope
You can make a zoetrope by taping two sheets together to form a loop, placing the pictures on the inside of the loop, and taping the loop to the edge of a CD.
Philippe De Jonckheere

@yurnidiot On dirait la version animée du "Dépeupleur" de Samuel Beckett.


@yurnidiot obviously this is the coolest thing that has ever happened. Obviously