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@lindawoodrow @FisherPeter

...corporations in other countries. Just because modern capitalism doesn't adhere to the specific version of capitalism that Adam Smith envisioned doesn't make it not capitalism. Capitalism comes in many different forms. 2/2

1 comment
Alexandre Oliva
@Radical_EgoCom @lindawoodrow @bhasic ISTM that as capitalism entered the so-called imperialist phase, over a century ago, feudalism swallowed capitalism, and proletariat, petit bourgoise and even customers were turned into vassals. antitrust law held that movement in check for some time, but eventually corporate power grew and got concentrated enough that it could control governments that would otherwise enforce antitrust law. what we live under is neither capitalism nor feudalism, or it is both. it's a chimera with significant elements of both.
@Radical_EgoCom @lindawoodrow @bhasic ISTM that as capitalism entered the so-called imperialist phase, over a century ago, feudalism swallowed capitalism, and proletariat, petit bourgoise and even customers were turned into vassals. antitrust law held that movement in check for some time, but eventually corporate power grew and got concentrated enough that it could control governments that would otherwise enforce antitrust law. what we live under is neither capitalism nor feudalism, or it is both....
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