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Dr. Oblivious

@Radical_EgoCom I have a qualified no. I think food, water, housing, health care, and other necessities for life should be socialized. Elective consumer goods and luxury items could still be sold in a highly regulated open market.



Regulations don't eliminate capitalist exploitation. Even if only luxury goods were sold for profit in a regulated market the exploitation that this mode of production produces (the extraction of surplus value from workers, the alienation of workers from the commodities they're creating, etc) would still exist and would still cause class inequality. 1/2



Also, the existence of this could potentially lead to the restoration of the full privatization of all products, so it's better to get rid of all private ownership of the means of production to prevent a potential retrograde of society. 2/2

Dr. Oblivious

@Radical_EgoCom That's a good point. I can't think of a way to prevent the backsliding except for extreme vigilance, which hasn't had great results in the past. I was just spitballing on gradual conversion. Whatever happens, zero sum capitalism is clearly in decline. We'll get something else one way or another.

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