@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom
It worked in post-war Britain when the Welfare State and National Health Service was established.
Neoliberal capitalism started picking that apart under Thatcher, because Capitalism hates competing ideologies.
@FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom 9 comments
@Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter You're wrong about the definition of socialism and communism. Socialism is the direct or governmental ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods. Communism is a classless, stateless society in which all property is owned communally. @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter I doubt it since socialism originates from Europe, and this definition is based on socialism as derived in Europe. @Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter From an English dictionary: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/socialism Maybe spend more energy attack capitalists, not Socialists? This definition doesn't go into specific detail explaining what socialism actually is, and instead gives an extremely quick description of socialism that lacks any of the key details of socialist ideology. Maybe spend more time looking up more comprehensive definitions of political ideologies instead of settling for definitions that try to summarize a several hundred year old ideology into one brief and nondescriptive sentence. @Alternatecelt @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom While I'm appalled at how much has been sold off I'm also amazed and impressed how much there was to sell. It's incredible to me how much we used to own collectively and what an achievement that was. @flowti @FisherPeter @Radical_EgoCom |
@Alternatecelt @FisherPeter
Well, that wasn't socialism since the means of production were not collectively owned. It was welfare capitalism, and I would say that it being eviscerated by neoliberal capitalism highlights a major flaw in the capitalist welfare state, that being that as long as capitalism still exists it will challenge any attempt at achieving social equality.