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@Radical_EgoCom capitalism is not the problem, mom and pop shops like the old days when they lived upstairs, that is good capitalism. Corporatism is what ruins it, making money is what's important, not quality products and services. Even in a system with communes, it's individual communes trading, that keeps them going. You always need something you can't produce or a service you can't provide, so in a way it's capitalism. Also socialism or communism is not bad, it's the leaders who ruin it.



This is a garbage argument. Yes, capitalism is the problem. The private ownership of the means of production and necessities of life and the extraction of surplus value from workers is the cause of the exploitation that workers face under capitalism, both on a corporate level and "in mom and pop shops in the good old days." 1/2



You really need to learn what capitalism is if you think that it's just trading and producing services because that's not capitalism. Markets and trading existed for thousands of years before capitalism existed. Capitalism is characterized by private ownership of resources and the means of production, market competition, profit motive, and wage labor. 2/2


@Radical_EgoCom you and my son would get along, we have discussions about capitalism, socialism and communism, he seems to side with you. I feel that the economic system works when it's left to the people. All are people working together in the best way they know how. It's the implementation and governance that has failed. If you think that taking my property and making it public property works, I will fight you. I worked for it, I earned it, it's mine. I have no idea what you are talking about


@Radical_EgoCom I am a believer in laissez faire capitalism, in other words, leave me alone to do what and how I want. The government has limits to its involvement in my life. Banning capitalism puts up a wall, not imposed limits, so that's a hard no



"I have no idea what you are talking about."

This is the truest thing you've said this entire conversation because you truly have no idea what you're talking about, specifically regarding capitalism. For someone who supports capitalism, you don't even seem to know what it is, nor do you understand the difference between private property and public property. 1/3



The only property I, as a Marxist-Leninist, want to make public are the means of production, such as large-scale factories and industrial equipment, large agricultural land, large infrastructure, financial institutions, and natural resources, not personal property, like your home, clothing, household goods, etc. 2/3



Unless you're a capitalist, I'm not coming for your property, like so much of the anti-communist propaganda you probably got this crazy idea from suggests, and the fact that you think this further proves your statement that you, "have no idea what you are talking about." 3/3


@Radical_EgoCom we can end this discussion because we will never agree


@Radical_EgoCom I know what I am talking about, just not what you are talking about



I am talking about capitalism and private/public property. You made clear in this conversation that you think that capitalism is merely producing a service for the community ("You always need something you can't produce or a service you can't provide, so in a way it's capitalism") and that I want to take away people's private property("If you think that taking my property and making it public property works, I will fight you"), neither of which are true, which shows that...1/2


@lilAlyce do not know what you're talking about regarding capitalism and private/public property. 2/2

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