@MischievousTomato @a1ba @lanodan
the only good packaging methods are source code and guix/nix :chad:
@MischievousTomato @a1ba @lanodan the only good packaging methods are source code and guix/nix :chad: 13 comments
@iska @MischievousTomato @lanodan let's make cross-distro solution without loopdevice bullshit like Snap and bind mount like Flatpak based on Nix.
Like isn't it already possible to just install nix to existing system? @a1ba @MischievousTomato @lanodan AUR has Guix, and guix is supposed to be distro-augnostic @MischievousTomato @a1ba @iska @idiot Yeah, I love launching an appimage and having it throw an error about something like libsystemd1 (journald support I guess?) being missing.
@lanodan @MischievousTomato @a1ba @idiot mfw poetteringos in appimage I don't like this thing anymore @MischievousTomato @a1ba @iska @lanodan And just so you know I'm not kidding: look at this fucking shit and tell me it's an acceptable way to launch an application.
(Also pop quiz: which one of the Pokemon Yellow ROMs that I have downloaded is this? Spoiler alert: you can't use the <- or -> keys on the keyboard to find out, you have to swipe with your finger on the touchscreen. Thanks Valve.) @idiot @MischievousTomato @a1ba @lanodan "valv and steamdeck will save Linux desktop!!11! :soyjak: " @idiot @iska @idiot @MischievousTomato @a1ba @lanodan sometimes you need to |
@MischievousTomato @a1ba @lanodan
ebuild is nice but /g/entoo is a meme