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158 posts total
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
IRC at ICQ be like: I was there before you, I'll be there after you.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
> Noo foss is out of touch with normies

foss: Mostly just nerds publishing stuff they made for themselves and helping each others.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
John Mastodon
Ms. Key

Meanwhile Pleroma only has typos.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: or how to see if some piece of software works on a random OS, including BSDs and if it doesn't being able to fix it via ssh-in.
Always love that feature.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
Developers looking at codebases sometimes be like: I can fix her.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
wayland and xscreensaver:
- Sadly very unlikely to easily happen due to human issues
- It's been gross misconceptions on wayland for about 3 years
- If XScreensaver wasn't developed behind closed doors I'm pretty sure it would have been done 8~5 years ago as some embedded devices were shipping with Wayland and without X11
- Last article to me reads like "I obviously haven't done my research nor participated but you should do this, even if your stuff has been getting stable enough to be the default on several distros". This is an awful stance to have, at least it should be close enough to what he wants in most compositors.
- He should be aware of wayland having different implementations and so some of them being better, at least subjectively. Quite like how jwz himself described some X11 implementation differences from the 90's. (While now it's almost just XOrg, to the point where most people heavily conflate the two together)
wayland and xscreensaver:
- Sadly very unlikely to easily happen due to human issues
- It's been gross misconceptions on wayland for about 3 years
- If XScreensaver wasn't developed behind closed doors I'm pretty sure it would have been done 8~5 years ago as some embedded devices were shipping with Wayland and without X11
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:

This article is rather disappointing…

> It is not far-fetched to imagine a future in which sites simply refuse to serve pages to users running free browsers or free operating systems. If WEI isn't stopped now, that future will come sooner than we think.

Which is also pretty much my point of view.

> We urge everyone involved in a decision-making capacity at Google to consider the principles on which the web was founded […]
>And if they don't? Well, they ought to be ashamed.

Simply ashamed? We'll just merely middle-finger at the direction of Google while they're locking down what used to be one of the most open platforms? <sarcasm>That's sure going to be effective</sarcasm>
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
Maybe Mozilla should be coined as a word to describe utter disappointment.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
I quite wish wayland wouldn't be compared to systemd so much…

Wayland is an evolution from X11 by it's own developers and pretty much all desktops environments involved.
Migration to it can be pretty gradual and smooth, in fact you can still just keep using Xorg/TinyX/… without added issues, just bitrot starting to appear because of new hardware.

Meanwhile Systemd is pretty much one-sided and it's also an implementation that forcefully shoved itself into the ecosystem.
It broke a ton of things and still regularly breaks things.
I quite wish wayland wouldn't be compared to systemd so much…

Wayland is an evolution from X11 by it's own developers and pretty much all desktops environments involved.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
Also take me as pedantic but I'd maybe a difference between:
- Wayland: protocol
- libwayland: helper library, you can choose to not use it for your own stuff (but others will likely depend on it)
- whatever compositor/display-server you're thinking about (Apache isn't HTTP)
- user applications (Google Chrome isn't HTTP either)

(And yes the wayland ecosystem has a lot of udev+linux-isms, basically because the folks that do not want udev/linux-isms didn't care about wayland for 10+ years, I was part of those btw)
Also take me as pedantic but I'd maybe a difference between:
- Wayland: protocol
- libwayland: helper library, you can choose to not use it for your own stuff (but others will likely depend on it)
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
> /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/trans
> International Phonetic Alphabet
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:

I wonder why some people don’t put some -std= on their C and C++ stuff.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
I wonder who coined "IANAL" and made it spread online.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
man-coded pocket: Can fit fairly large things like a Nintendo 3DS or a 3.5" HDD
woman-coded pocket: Half a phone or outright nothing
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