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@mschfr @tofu @starsider None of this would even matter if we could just get our collective shit together as a society and make a big push for green(er) energy infrastructure. Who cares how much energy training and inference takes if it's coming from solar, wind, or nuclear power?

We fight over the wrong things, imo.

Tofu :blobcatace:​

@wagesj45 Yeah, but it's not easy to pull off, especially with people and governments steering from actual green options like nuclear power.


@tofu @wagesj45 I wouldn't agree with your nuclear power take, but even if so: The majority of the AI data centers are going up somewhere in the USA and the USA is far from steering away from nuclear power. And even we here in Germany are at the lowest CO2/kWh since sometimes in the 19th century even after switching off all nuclear


@mschfr @tofu USA is also far from steering away from large power hungry data centers. What I'm saying is if we're faced with two struggles, let's pick the right one.

Michael replied to jordan

@wagesj45 @tofu Yeah - AI has a lot of problems, so let's not try to push some false narrative here. There is a lot to critique out there

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