Someone stole some photos off my website, and now is filing DCMA take down notices against my website claiming copyright.
That's the world we live in now.
I literally cannot just share my photos with the world without becoming a target for some complete arsehole. It's not enough that people try to hack into my social media accounts every day, or flood my mobile with scam calls, or try to rip me off when cancelling a tour... I now have to waste my life responding to this shit too.
I feel like there's been a massive rise in "gonna act like an arsehole because I can" over recent years.
It's worn me to the bone. It's relentless. We've built a world where people have decided it's no big deal to literally destroy other people because their personal gain is more important.
Everything is under siege. All the time. You can't just opt out and go listen to waves on the beach. Some arsehole is gonna find you there too and find a way to make life shit for you.