I feel like there's been a massive rise in "gonna act like an arsehole because I can" over recent years.
It's worn me to the bone. It's relentless. We've built a world where people have decided it's no big deal to literally destroy other people because their personal gain is more important.
Everything is under siege. All the time. You can't just opt out and go listen to waves on the beach. Some arsehole is gonna find you there too and find a way to make life shit for you.
I was chatting to a nice lady yesterday about her computer. She couldn't work out how to attach a different keyboard to it.
All the while I'm thinking "how long before someone hacks your Windows OS and cleans out your bank account?" She has no idea how exposed she is. One click on a dodgy email and her world could be flipped upside down.
How did we end up creating a world where people are thrown to the wolves like this? How badly have we screwed this up.