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Christine Lemmer-Webber

Let's leave the ocap stuff to the side for now, then. Let's focus on what Bluesky and the fediverse have to learn from each other.

- The fediverse should adopt content-addressed storage and decentralized identity
- Bluesky should adopt real, actual federation and decentralization

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

For this reason @blaine says of both ActivityPub done right and Bluesky done right, "they're the same picture" (The Office meme goes here, yes)

To a large degree, I think @blaine is right

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Of course, adapting an existing system as deployed isn't easy.

I will say though that I think if Bluesky were to become *actually decentralized* it would look a lot like ActivityPub in terms of having directed messaging. This will also introduce similar challenges around eg replies, etc.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

To the end of the fediverse, perhaps I sound bitter, "they didn't adopt ActivityPub the way *I* saw it!"

The truth is that Mastodon didn't, but Mastodon also saved ActivityPub. It then painted a vision of the future that wasn't, at least, what Jessica Tallon and I expected of it. But it saved AP.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The fediverse and Bluesky, at great effort, could learn a lot from each other in the immediate term.

In the longer term, neither is implementing the ocap vision I think is critical for the big vision, and in a way, I think maybe neither can be easily rearchitected to achieve it. Well, not yet.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

When I laid out the ideas of OCapPub to various fediverse developers, the response was "this sounds cool but I have *no idea* how to retrofit a Rails/Django app for this kind of actor-oriented design".

And they were right.

Remember when I said Conway's Law flows in both directions?

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Conway's Law says that a technical architecture reflects the social structure under which it was built. But the reverse is also true. The social structures *we can have* are made possible by the affordances of the tools we have available.

"Tech problems/social problems": false dichotomy.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

It's for that reason that @spritely, while aiming for a *socially collaborative* revolution, is first focusing on a *technical* revolution.

It's too hard to build massively, securely collaborative tools right now. With Spritely's tools, p2p ocap secure tech is the *default output*.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Remember when I said that IMO is the right person to lead Bluesky and that I am sympathetic with many design decisions of Bluesky (even if critical of them for being non-decentralized)?

Bluesky is building what they can for a scale big objective. The tech flows from goals.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

So too does the social structure flow from the tech. It does on Bluesky, and it does on the fediverse.

I won't elaborate further on this, I actually would like you to pause and think about it. In which ways are tech and social systems bidirectional, here and otherwise? It's important.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The vision laid out for the fediverse, both independently in my writings and even in Jay Graber and I's joint proposal... well, it's a big lift.

@spritely would like to see if we can retrofit our version onto ActivityPub. Time will tell if that's a separate thing.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

And perhaps this is all my *massive* Cassandra complex speaking. I won't deny that I have one, for better or worse

Still, despite all I have said about both Bluesky and the fediverse technically, it is because I want a hopeful direction for all of us. Secure collaboration. More important than ever.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Let's take another tea break. (And another bathroom break. This teacup is massive.) We're getting close to done, I promise. Just two sections left, they're both much shorter.

Then I can finally brave reading my notifications.



Preston Maness โ˜ญ replied to Christine

@cwebber I've bookmarked more posts today than I have in weeks. Will definitely be reading over all of this.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Hello, I am back again. Did you miss me? I still am not reading notifications.

Help I started writing this summary at 11am and it is now 6pm here I have wasted a whole day of work

But I have tea, and I also flossed my teeth, and it is time to resume this thread. If you are here, you know why.

Emelia ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿป replied to Christine

@cwebber that sounds like such a Gossip Girl way to return to the conversation ๐Ÿ˜‚

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Before we go any further, earlier I mentioned the US House of Representatives, and here I am giving a MASSIVE content warning for transphobia

But @evangreer is the coolest fucking person for standing up to Rep. Mace at the Project Libery summit

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

What I am trying to say is I don't have many heroes but @evangreer is absolutely a heroine of mine

You should donate to @fight they are some of the only people doing sensible advocacy against terrible internet laws

Also fuck TERFs

But anyway

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Also you have reached it: the third secret egg

You have now collected the egg triforce and can defeat Gender Ganon

If you want to

The power was in you all along

But let's continue.

Tully replied to Christine

@cwebber but another egg was forged in secretโ€ฆ

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

It's time, we have reached the second to last section: "Preparing for the organization as a future adversary."

I love this one because I love that phrase, and the best part is that the Bluesky team came up with it, "the organization is a future adversary". It's genuinely good and self reflective

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Occasionally an org creates a phrase like this, and back in the day Google had "Don't be evil"

And yeah, people criticize Google for never having been sincere but it gave an opportunity for people inside and outside the organization to critique Google on its own stated values. That was good.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

It was *at least* good insofar as the moment Google retired the phrase as never really meaning anything anyway, as evil as Google may have been before, Google got *noticably* worse.

To Bluesky people internally: keep that phrase going as long as you can, and use it reflectively.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

As opposed to Google's "Don't be evil", a commandment for the everpresent, "the organization is a future adversary" acknowledges the realities of the future, that it is uncertain, and in fact, that power-dynamics-wise, there will be pressure to make things worse.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Making design decisions in the present which guard against the future is one of the most important things we can do. It is one of the most important reasons to choose FOSS licenses, for instance, which provide an exit plan and also counterbalance against temptation to enshittify a project.

Leonard Ritter replied to Christine

@cwebber good work here. i *really* detest the seemingly objective fact that a google can't be p2p, but i can't crack it either.

though considering the SEO vulns that google has, i wonder if even google "works"

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

To this end, Bluesky's goals of "credible exit" are actually very important. It creates a similar pressure for the organization itself to stay true as long as it can, even acknowledging the organization as a future adversary, and actually preparing for it.

I am pro-Bluesky-credible-exit.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

And there *will* be a lot of pressure: Bluesky has taken VC money as investments; the pattern of such is that early on, things are very good and flexible, and after some time, the investors start placing pressure to enshittify.

I have seen good peoples' orgs clawed from their hands. It happens.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

This happens despite the very best people with the very best intentions. Talk to early Twitter co-founders and they will tell you the org that things became was not the org that they envisioned.

A future adversary indeed. So we should plan for it today.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Before we continue further, I have done about every job imaginable in a FOSS project/organization. Fundraising, by far, is the worst, and the most stressful.

It's incredibly hard to raise anything to do anything. I think that's worth acknowledging.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The structure of an organization does matter. There's a reason that @spritely is a 501(c)(3) in the US. Any money we take in is a donation: we aren't "delivering on an investment" (though we must deliver on *results*)

Bluesky is a Public Benefit Corporation, also interesting

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

A Public Benefit Corporation has a mission for the public good, but can take investments in the way a nonprofit cannot. This also means it can move much faster. Given the influx of users to Bluesky, taking investments this way may have been the only load handling route available this fast.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Again, this is all tuned to "What is Bluesky trying to build?"

Bluesky might not be a good "decentralized Twitter replacement", but it is a good "Twitter replacement" with the possibility of "credible exit"

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

That Bluesky is providing needs for many users who are looking for refuge from a white supremacist site *today* is something to pause and acknowledge the difficulty and scope of doing so quickly and in the moment. I'm glad Bluesky is here at this stressful geopolitical moment in history.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

There will be a lot of pressure soon from investors: run ads, make premium accounts that do not actually make sense in a decentralized way, so on and so on.

In this way, "credible exit" is the most important thing for Bluesky the organization and its community to push on *today*

๐“ผ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ช๐“น๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฑใ€ใƒ„ใ€‘โ˜ฎ(๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง) replied to Christine


Why give them soooooo much space?
Why talk soooo much about bluesky?

Did they pay you for it?
I havent seen you do this for other platforms, especially when mastodon and even nostr exist that are way more decentralized. It seems kinda weird and unexpected ๐Ÿคท

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

What I will *not* accept is the goalposts being moved on decentralization and federation. Bluesky is neither decentralized nor federated.

If Bluesky wants to become so, it has an enormous amount of work to do, particularly in terms of architectural design.

Blogs are decentralized, Google is not.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Bluesky will face every pressure to be enshittified. Bluesky has even, correctly, acknowledged this. It is up to Bluesky and its community to rise to the challenge of "credible exit" knowing that this is a likely, perhaps inevitable, risk.

The org is indeed a future adversary. So what now?

๐“ผ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ช๐“น๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฑใ€ใƒ„ใ€‘โ˜ฎ(๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง) replied to Christine

@cwebber It's taking away from mastodon for no good reason.

It's also taking away the opportunity to run more nostr relays and form a twitter like bubble on nostr instead of supporting an unnecessary project like bluesky - which many have written about.

We dont need centralization like bluesky is offering. We can do better now

๐“ผ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ช๐“น๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฑใ€ใƒ„ใ€‘โ˜ฎ(๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง) replied to Christine


If there was no mastodon and no nostr, then maybe yes, but it's not 2006 anymore, so today, a replacement for twitter would not look like bluesky. Today twitter would look much more like nostr, maybe mastodon.

Recommending bluesky in any way in this day and age doesn't sound really serious tbh.

๐“ผ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ช๐“น๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฑใ€ใƒ„ใ€‘โ˜ฎ(๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง) replied to Christine


Extremely true and even the folks who are really popular have a hard time.
What about all the rest?

If one compares that to the enterprise world or banks, paying hundreds of thousands and millions of employees all the time and getting loans approved as it was an infinite money printer is quite mad.

As if all these companies with their employees do more useful stuff than open source folks.

Capitalists print money as if there is no money, but not for open source :/!


Extremely true and even the folks who are really popular have a hard time.
What about all the rest?

If one compares that to the enterprise world or banks, paying hundreds of thousands and millions of employees all the time and getting loans approved as it was an infinite money printer is quite mad.

John Breen replied to Christine

@cwebber FWIW, I'm not interested in anyone's proprietary platform, ever again. I will revert to emails and text messages and Signal. But Mastodon instances are the best response I've seen.

May Likes Toronto replied to Christine

@cwebber I took a 2 hour nap. This is still going?!?!? You're a trooper.

John Maxwell replied to Christine

@cwebber Yeah. Fig leaves aren't enough, but they're not nothing either. They are an acknowledgement of a problem, no more. But they are that much. No one uses a fig leaf to cover shame without a little shame.

Susanna replied to Christine

@cwebber @evangreer Evan Greer is awesome!

lizard appreciator replied to Christine

@cwebber โ€œi still am not reading notificationsโ€ ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‘‘

Rocketman replied to Christine

@cwebber You have given me - and all of us - an excellent exploration of ActivityPub and Bluesky. For me, itโ€™s the best one Iโ€™ve read on here, period.

So no, you havenโ€™t โ€œmissed a day of workโ€. Quite to the content, youโ€™ve done a good dayโ€™s work, and then some.

L. Rhodes replied to Christine

@cwebber I've often framed for myself as: "Tech encodes social relations." Both in the sense that the social relations made possible by tech are constrained by its code, and that code is conditioned by the social relations around its production.

djpeluca replied to Christine

@cwebber I think descentralizad moderation is also something to consider. What do you think about it?

Scott M. Stolz replied to Christine
@Christine Lemmer-Webber When you say OCAP, is that the same OCAP that Hubzilla and Streams has? (i.e. Grant limited posts the right to access linked private media.) Or is it something else?
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