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Christine Lemmer-Webber

Now to be completely fair Bluesky is clear about this *in their blogpost announcing DMs*, but just like this thread, I doubt nearly anyone has read that far (am I talking to the void? I don't know, if you actually have gotten to this message reply with "I found the easter egg" or something)

Chris Evelyn replied to Christine

@cwebber Still here, thanks for writing this :blobcathearthug:

Мя :sparkles_lesbian: replied to Christine

@cwebber i found the easter egg! (Actually readin this thread in semi-realtime)

lily 🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Christine i mean you're on my timeline every 2 seconds, it's hard to miss

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The thing that is telling to me about DMs is that we *have* federated direct message protocols like XMPP which have been around for ages; if Bluesky wanted to they could have tacked that on pretty quickly, E2EE or not. It still would have been decentralized at least

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The point is that I have *seen in the wild* people saying "Oh yeah Bluesky added DMs to their decentralized protocol" and augh

I know they aren't claiming this but it's very clear to me that people are reading things as being completely different architecture than it is

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

But to Bluesky's credit, Twitter's DMs aren't decentralized either! And getting and shipping something that works, now for the influx of Twitter users, again... I am sympathetic

Bluesky's team is doing an INCREDIBLE JOB in that way of scaling to meet the incoming stream of Twitter refugees

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

On that note, again, I am not reading the replies right now because I am (a) afraid to and (b) I'm never gonna finish this and we are a bit over HALFWAY THROUGH the analysis but I have this fear that EVERYONE is mad at me, Bluesky fans, fediverse fans

I am trying to be analytical. I am trying!!!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

I said we are about halfway through and criminy we're halfway through the afternoon, I need a break to get some tea

We have a few big topics left:

- Decentralized identity, how does it work (magnets too, yes)
- The Org is a Future Adversary
- Christine critiques the fediverse
- Wrap up

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

And so, it is TEA TIME

Go get yourself a hot beverage. Put honey or agave in it, if you like. Dairy, or perhaps, non-dairy, if you prefer.

=== BREAK TIME! Time for tea! ===

Dr. Morgan Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

I can confirm, @cwebber is currently making us both tea :)

Josh Simmons replied to Dr. Morgan Lemmer-Webber

@mlemweb @cwebber Excuse me while I slide in to say you two are the best and I hope you are both having a fine Friday. Also, thank you Christine for this fantastic analysis – extremely helpful for people who care but Don't Quite Get It like me.

DamonHD replied to Christine
DamonHD replied to Dr. Morgan Lemmer-Webber

@mlemweb @cwebber As long as neither of you are spilling it, literally or otherwise, we're all good I think!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Okay, I am back and I am back with tea! I made "black tea with ginger" and I put some whipped honey in it. I also made tea for my spouse

I am drinking out of an oversized mug from @baconandcoconut that says "I'm that person who likes to serve on open source program committees", which is not actually accurate but I do anyway

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

I am also sad about the US House of Representatives being shitty to trans people who work there and are just trying to make it through the day

I used to do data modeling contracting for the US HoR on our legal system, true story, which sends me back to a time when I did a lot of data modeling

Kye Fox replied to Christine

@cwebber data modelling (vogueing in Data cosplay)

Diane 🕵 replied to Christine


The house should ditch men's and women's restrooms and switch to republican & democrat restrooms.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

A lot of data modeling I did in that time was in the W3C Verifiable Credentials group that was working on Verifiable Credentials, zcap-ld (my spec), and, oh hey, Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs, the name is not my fault)

So actually I was pretty excited when I heard that Bluesky was gonna use DIDs!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Back in 2017 I wrote a whitepaper: "ActivityPub: from decentralized to distributed social networks" and it also suggested using DIDs

I no longer think DIDs are necessary to solve this, but then and now I think *decentralized identity is important*

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

In that sense, I am really glad Bluesky is taking on decentralized identity, as a concept! And DIDs, in a way, are a good signal.

But there are several problems, the first of which is: Bluesky supports two kinds of Decentralized Identifiers and they're both -- you guessed it -- centralized!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Before we get there, let's talk about what the DID spec was and what DIDs are. The core DID spec is an *abstract interface* for key management which provides a way of representing keys (and some other metadata) which can be created, retrieved, and updated/rotated.

So far so good...

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The other requirement you would expect, based on the name, is that Decentralized Identifiers are *actually decentralized*.

When I got involved in DID work, that was actually the expectation of everyone. Then it was loosened. What? Why on earth?!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The reason actually stems from the first centralized DID method that Bluesky supports: did:web.

did:web is centralized, and kinda useless. It just works by a regex rewrite of the DID's name to an https URI and then it's retrieved. Anywhere you use did:web, you could have just used an https: URI

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

"Now wait Christine, didn't you say earlier that the web is decentralized and open? So therefore, did:web is decentralized and open"

Yeah but the naming system of the web is CENTRALIZED

We use DNS and ICANN (and then we add another centralization layer with TLS/SSL CAs)!

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Everyone in the DID standards space KNEW that did:web was centralized, so why on earth was a centralized identifier permitted for something named "Decentralized Identifiers"?

The answer is easy. did:web is easy to implement, many DID methods were not.

did:web existed for test suites.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

I was kind of exiting that particular area of standards when this happened but colleagues will tell you that I, and some others, were deeply upset and troubled by this

"Sure having a nearly no-op DID to pass the test suite is helpful but it shouldn't be labeled as a DID, people will get confused!"

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Confusion, on its own, is one thing. But the problem is when confusion turns into decentralization-washing.

"This is going to turn into decentralization-washing!"

"It's just to pass the test suite!"

[... time passes ...]

"Actually we like did:web now, it's a DID method everyone can implement!"

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

And of course once the door was open to did:web, the door was open to everything! Decentralization is now no longer a requirement for DIDs. You can make a centralized DID method and call it a "Decentralized Identifier" and you're right because it implements a spec named "Decentralized identifiers"

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine


Most users hear "Decentralized Identifiers" and they think they know what's being delivered, the distinction between the *spec* being called that and the *mechanism used* being centralized... you have to go digging to find that out

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

So did:web is not only useless, it misleads people about the problem domain entirely, but hey it's now the most broadly deployed DID method in the world, congrats everyone!

Speaking of centralized Decentralized Identifiers, did I mention that did:plc is centralized?

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

For that matter, where did the term did:plc come from? Early versions of "did:plc" documentation called it the "Placeholder" DID method, that's what it stands for, to motivate changing it later

Well the docs no longer say that, it now says "Public Ledger of Credentials"

Good backronymn, but...

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

did:plc is centralized, and that bothers me because once again, users think something is more decentralized than it is, because they're being *told* it's decentralized

The particular way in which did:plc is centralized doesn't bug me too much but once again, few users have read into this

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

If you read the documentation of did:plc, they're actually quite upfront about did:plc's centralization being non-ideal. That's good, I appreciate that. Again, you gotta dig though, and the name misleads (which is, to be fair, the original sin of the DID Working Group)

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

(aside: wow my eyes are getting tired from staring at my monitor while I recap of what was a 24 page blogpost, why do I do this to myself)

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

Aside from being irritated about the name misleading, I don't mind the centralization of did:plc too much (other things, I am more concerned about, we'll get there)

There's one organization that can be queried via their API that keeps a definitive list of certificate and their updates

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

In theory, once a DID is registered with Bluesky, it cannot be altered by Bluesky, because a cryptographic update from the original key is necessary; it's a certificate chain, a good design

Bluesky can refuse to share did:plc documents or their updates, but it can't manufacture updates

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

This is pretty good tbh, it lowers the stakes a lot to have certificate chains

I love certificate chains, certificate chains are great

Honestly, having a centralized registry for them, it's not the best but it's not the worst (aside from that damn naming thing)


Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

There are some strange, strange things about did:plc that heightens the centralization concerns and, well

I'm not a cryptographer, but some of my good friends are cryptographers, etc etc. I got some... reactions to what is to follow

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The first strange thing to me is that did:plc uses sha256 and, AFAICT, not sha256d (which is really just running sha256 again over the hash). Unless I am missing something? Am I wrong?

Maybe it's not a concern because of doc parsing but it's best practice to protect against length extension attacks

abby "AbFC₂H₄" fluoroethane 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ replied to Christine

@cwebber Hey Christine, big fan of your work, but holy yapfest. World record for longest fedi thread??

Amici Is Me 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 replied to Christine

@cwebber I remember reading about DIDs a few years ago, even did a Norwegian language podcast episode talking about it

damien replied to Christine

@cwebber I thought you meant tea (hot take) as like, informal tea and not literal tea hahaha

Amici Is Me 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 replied to Christine

@cwebber break time? :shibalaugh: I think you invented a new thing there, but understandable

Jonathan replied to Christine

@cwebber hopefully credible exit too? I guess I should just go google it.

𐌀𐌌𐌙 :emacs: replied to Jonathan Bluesky's credible exit refers to the ability of another organization to host the network, including user data and posts, without needing any special access or OK from the Bluesky foundation (I think). This should be a laudable goal, but its feasibility remains to be seen.

Les Orchard replied to Christine

@cwebber i, for one, am nodding along and occasionally clapping

Eniko Fox replied to Christine

@cwebber i'm just very glad that you're dispelling the myth that bluesky is federated. i'm so tired of being told on bluesky that fedi isn't safer than bluesky because bluesky is federated so if they fuck it up people can take their stuff and go elsewhere, when it's like "how? go where?"

Jon replied to Christine for the record I’m not mad at you!!!!!!

Stefan replied to Christine

@cwebber I think this is the best thread in the history of mastodon.

forest :therian: replied to Christine

@cwebber this entire thread is enlightening so far! (and i figure liking each post manually would be kind of insane to do.)

Elliott B. Edwards replied to Christine

@cwebber indeed the `void*` is listening. Please do continue.

Bredroll replied to Christine

@cwebber being able to see blocks also let's massed malicious targeted messages be more powerful. You know which accounts to use to deliver your targeted content.

bipolaron replied to Christine

@cwebber I can't claim to understand but I'm at least reading... ;-)

Fluchtkapsel replied to Christine

@cwebber I found your Easter egg. Please publish a count of all responses to this Easter egg. 🙂

socks replied to Christine

@cwebber "I found the easter egg"

But seriously, your dustycloud post is a great read and the more relaxed thread here is amazing, thank you :HoloHeartHug:

Softwarewolf replied to Christine

@cwebber I found the easter egg :yoshi_egg:

Jo Dusepo (Дусепо, دو‌سپو) replied to Christine

@cwebber Egg discovery. 🥚 🍳 🐣 I learnt something, and I don't even use BlueSky (nor want to).

Fifi Lamoura replied to Christine

@cwebber Here and enjoying the chocolate. This thread is fantastic and I really appreciate it as someone who doesn't code but who thinks about technology on a cultural and design level as an art/culture nerd.

viq replied to Christine

@cwebber "I found the Easter egg" or something

Baral'heia Stormdancer ΘΔ🐲 replied to Christine

@cwebber I have found the Easter egg in this ridiculously long but very very interesting and insightful thread! :dragnhappy:

Martin replied to Christine

@cwebber easteregg... enjoying the loooooooooooooong thread on bluesky/federation

May Likes Toronto replied to Christine

@cwebber The void reaches out and hands you an easter egg.

As a product person, you've made something incredibly complicated mostly understandable by most semi-tech literate people. Thank you so much. You're awesome.

Rocketman replied to Christine

@cwebber This thread is either a great example of science / technical communication

or one of the most epic rants I’ve ever seen

Or maybe both? 🤓

dingodog replied to Christine

@cwebber I found the Easter egg! And I'm not even a software dev!

Phil Groce replied to Christine

@cwebber This is Masto, so: Ich habe das Österei gefunden.

rafoo replied to Christine

@cwebber I found the easter egg :blobpeek:
Thanks a lot for this thread!

Allan Engelhardt replied to Christine

@cwebber I found the Easter Egg and am still enjoying your thread. Keep it up

I don't believe in dogmas replied to Christine

@cwebber Awesome thread full of Easter eggs! Thank you!

hidden replied to Christine

@cwebber What a 🧵... Hello people interested in social networks internals 👋

Ongion replied to Christine

@cwebber apologies to your notifications, I found the easter egg

Brad Wilson replied to Christine

@cwebber Is it time to break out the PAAS egg coloring kits already?! 😂

Qazm replied to Christine

@cwebber :blobdeersurprised:🐣🐇

I'm bookmarking this thread. Definitely the most concise summary I've seen so far on this topic.

Is there a version I can reskeet over at Bluesky? (If it's easy to find then I'll figure it out myself.)

In any case, reading on... :ablobfoxbongo:

Michael replied to Christine

@cwebber I have found the Easter egg. (Great thread, thanks)

Steve replied to Christine

@cwebber Nice and interesting read so far ... Wake hall about the easter egg. ;)

Giulio Cesare Solaroli replied to Christine

@cwebber “I found the easter egg”
Thanks for writimg this massive thread; it’s really interesting!

rakoo replied to Christine
Dan York replied to Christine

@cwebber I found the Easter egg! 🙂 I am still reading!

benny replied to Christine

@cwebber found the easter egg or something

djuber replied to Christine

@cwebber this whole time I was waiting for an "I'm new here, what's the fediverse" joke but I'll take an Easter egg, I guess.

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