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Aks :kde: :fedora:

@cancel Unfortunately I am vendor locked with one of my titles. As solo hobbyist dev i just dont have the time/money to get all the assets separately, so I've relied on unity bundles a lot.

I could perhaps ask the asset creators (mostly 3d models) if I am allowed to use them outside of unity.

Another thing is that as much as I hate this, learning new engine comes with a cost: time.

I will have to see how this develops over time, i dont have high hopes tho..

Aks :kde: :fedora:

@cancel What I am worried most is that if unity games will be bundled with some malicious crapware with them now. And I really dont want that to anyone who plays my games.

If that's what happens, I believe learning new engine is going to be good idea.

That being said, I am going to use Godot in future for other projects. This current unity project though, it's something i want to really make correct and pour all my knowledge in.

Aks :kde: :fedora:

@cancel Last bit of ramble:

I believe the ad-crap is mostly focused on mobile and web games however. That's where it's mostly used after all.

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