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Sarcassem :heart_rainbow:

@lianna @sophie unless your posts are set to private, my understanding is they’ve got it all anyway. I could be wrong.

Sarcassem :heart_rainbow:

@lianna @sophie ostensibly the same way they scrape public data off the web today: bots, spiders, etc

Lianna (on Mastodon)

@cassem @sophie Scraping the web gets vastly less usable results than having access to actual structured information like post time, boosts, connections to other profiles, posting behavior and so on.

I do machine learning for a living. I wouldn't even attempt using web-scraped social data for analysis unless I was only looking for the simplest metrics like word count.

Sarcassem :heart_rainbow:

@lianna @sophie fair enough. I would say, still not a reason to shame or chide someone else for their decision to use one, the other, or both. Still arrives at you do you.

Lianna (on Mastodon)

@cassem @sophie I am just suspicious of people who make the conscious choice to go to a corporate, for-profit social media site run by shady crypto and AI investors, when the Fediverse is and has been right here for more than a decade.

That's a decision they make, and it hints towards them being bad people.

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